V2.3 is now available! 

- Included Admixon's Flying Boats. You can now buy flyable
- Give Miami - givemiami
- Give Miami Piracy variant - givemiamipiracy
- Give Miami Rough variant - givemiamirough
- Give Miami Ultimate variant - givemiamiultimate
- Give Commander - givecommander
- Give Commander NG variant - givecommanderng
- Give Commander Police variant - givecommanderpolice
- Give Commander STAG variant - givecommanderstag
- Give Shark - giveshark
- Give Shark CG variant - givesharkcg
- Give Shark Police variant - givesharkpolice
- Give Shark Ultimate variant - givesharkultimate
- Included IdolNinja's Additional Cheats along with unique Expanded Arsenal Mod cheats. I had to remove No Glitches cheat along with all Silverlink and regular weapon cheats (except Dildo Bat and Tiny Pistol ones) because IdolNinja hit the table limit already, they weren't so useful though (and we still don't have permission to use Silverlink content).
Here's the list of Expanded Arsenal Mod cheats:- Give Camera - givecamera
- Give Electro Blast - giveelectroblast
- Give Fear Gun - givefeargun
- Give Knife - giveknife
- Give Shield - giveshield
- Give Silenced Pistol - givesilencedpistol
- Give Touchstone 40-Cal (Semi Auto) - givetouchstonesemiauto
- Give Touchstone 40-Cal (Automatic) - givetouchstoneautomatic
- Give Ice Beam - giveicebeam
- Give Micronizer - givemicronizer
- Give Glitchmaster 3000 - giveglitchmaster
- Give Lazarus Rifle - givelazarusrifle
- Give Togo-13 - givetogo
- Give Marauder Weapon - givemarauderweapon
- Give MMMMM - givemmmmm
- Give Present Launcher - givepresentlauncher
- Give Satchel Charges - givesatchel
- Give Laser Beam - givelaserbeam
- Give Mech Weapon - givemechweapon
- Give RC Possessor - givercpossessor
- Give Suit Blaster - givesuitblaster
- Zins now drop permanent version of the shield. Temporary version doesn't work properly with superpowers and has broken melee attacks. Also, the riot animation group isn't compatible with most of SR IV weapons.
- Fixed missing Salem SFX. Volition gave it Bike_Cyber01 sounds which aren't compatible with hoverbikes. I just replaced them with regular Bike_Jet01 sounds.
- P610's Russian translation is almost complete. Only strings for new taunts and compliments aren't translated yet.
- {JP}OchreHomo Mixer's Japanese translation has been improved.
- Updated the uninstaller. All new files have been added to the list.