Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod

Ok so I found and downloaded Corrodias' save editor, open my most recent save file and both boxes are checked next to the bloodsucker ability - meaning it should both be available to me and unlocked. So I unchecked the unlocked box and saved that, figuring that it would then let me buy it back in game. What happens now when I load that save file is that I get a notification that the bloodsucker DLC should be available, but sure enough when I go into my phone again the ability is locked and grayed out. I guess I should also mention that the "bonus cash" ability that I have for having taken over the morningstar HQ is in the same situation, It's again locked and grayed out in the menu even though I used to have it prior to installing the mod. Any other ideas?

I could send you the save file to poke at I guess if you're up for that.
You should start a new game. Or, open unlockables.xtbl and search for "VampireREP". Highlight the entry and replace it with this:
<Category>Player Abilities</Category>
Ok cool, that edit seems to have done it, my vampire powers are back. The "scavenger" ability is still grayed out as the vampire one was, but I don't really care about that one - getting a cash boost is not high on my list of things I give a fuck about in the game since money isn't hard to come by anyhow.
yo shitface, i only need the unlimited rc possessor range, i have Perm&Temp mod weapons mod by snipe yet. i only want to merge it with snipe's mod. so what section should i copy ? is it only copy <Name>Special-RCVehicleGun</Name> section in weapon.xtbl? or anything else?
hi shitface. love your mod, but i want to remove the saints pow from the store, how can i do that?
Delete 'dlc3_weapons.xtbl' file and remove that entry from 'store_weapons.xtbl' file:
yo shitface, i only need the unlimited rc possessor range, i have Perm&Temp mod weapons mod by snipe yet. i only want to merge it with snipe's mod. so what section should i copy ? is it only copy <Name>Special-RCVehicleGun</Name> section in weapon.xtbl? or anything else?
You only have to replace that line in 'tweak_table.xtbl' file:
    <Tweak_Table_Entry><Name>RC_vehicle_gun_max_distance</Name><Value>9000000000</Value><Description>The maximum distance at which the RC gun can take/maintain control of a vehicle.</Description><_Editor><Category>Entries:Combat:Weapons:RC Gun</Category></_Editor></Tweak_Table_Entry>
uh but snipe's weapon mod didnt have tweak_table.xtbl, where should i copy
<Tweak_Table_Entry><Name>RC_vehicle_gun_max_distance</Name><Value>9000000000</Value><Description>The maximum distance at which the RC gun can take/maintain control of a vehicle.</Description><_Editor><Category>Entries:Combat:Weapons:RC Gun</Category></_Editor></Tweak_Table_Entry>?