Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod

My buddy can't test it, he's essentially gone until Sunday on account of the holiday, but I reinstalled 3.4.7 and replaced items_3d.xtbl as you said, and went to replay A Remote Chance. Mission loaded up just fine, that seemed to be the problem indeed
Thanks dude, much appreciated again =)

....aaaand I hate to do this to you again, but I'm unsure of if it's your mod in particular or not. My friend was experiencing this weird bug with the STAG Elite armor (It's Cyrus' armor, I think GoS makes it purchasable?) and he'd been using it since the beginning of our game. Think we were using GoS and Shitface Showcase v20 at the time. Last night he was complaining that now whenever he puts it in, it's listed as "The Bandit" in his wardrobe menu and store menu, and whenever he wears the armor his head is completely missing.

I was unable to replicate this bug on my side, until just now. I found out that it's again somehow related to the DLC. He owns the season pass DLC, Explosive Combat Pack, Steelport Gangs, and the one with the purple Saints VTOL. I had none of the DLC. He gifted me the season pass on Steam when he got home from work and I went to go test and make sure that my game was running fine (I had to downgrade my installation again earlier, he's not as computer literate as I am so walking him through installing a mod can be a pain sometimes, nevermind reconfiguring them)

Soon as I got into the game, my character was standing there with the STAG Elite armor, headless. I still had it on from trying to replicate the bug earlier. Sure enough it was also listed as "The Bandit" in my wardrobe. Again, I'm not sure if it's your mod, or the Season Pass, or what. I guess it's a mixture of both, because he owned the Season Pass from the beginning and was able to wear the armor no problem. Said the headless thing just "started happening one day", which I'll bet is the day we updated to 3.4.7. I was completely unaffected until I got the season pass, so something must be going on with how the DLC unlocks content for authorized users that's affecting the STAG Elite outfit when mixed with some of this new preloading stuff that's been going on in the mod scene recently.... I've checked other outfits that you normally can't get in the vanilla game like Nyteblade and the cop outfit, and they all seem to work just fine, and the only reference to "The Bandit" I can find with Saint's Row involves a special variant of the Phoenix car, so I'm puzzled.
This is the only mod I have installed and I'm getting a crashing problem whenever I load a mission.
So far it's happened with "Party Time" and the first genki mission.

Also are you planning on adding other DLC weapons as permanent? Like the bee gun.
These weapons are causing more problems than they're worth... Maybe I'll just remove them until Volition releases a patch to remove the memory restrictions. Or not. I'll try and figure out what's causing that problem with Cyrus' outfit, but I'm not sure what it could be, as none of my mods touch the outfits or clothes.

As for Party Time and the Genki missions- I've tested these successfully on my end without crashes. Are you sure you installed the mods properly?
dragged and dropped all the files directly into my install folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Saints Row the Third
clicked "move and replace" every time it asked, it installed fine.
By any chance are you testing it on a completely new save? Because I was just giving myself the weapons on a new save without doing the Gangstas In Space DLC
RE: Cyrus' outfit, I'm not sure either, what it could be. It doesn't make sense to me either...Cyrus shows up just fine in his cutscenes with his head and everything. Then again V did say they had specific models for cutscenes and whatnot. We beat the game tonight and got the regular version of the STAG outfit, it shows up just fine....I really need to do more testing to verify whether or not it's the DLC mod causing it but I just can't be arsed to mess with my install right now, and I damn sure don't wanna risk losing my saves. I'll take some time soon to poke around, back my saves up, and then fiddle with things.