SR2's AR-50 XMAC

Great...Just need to be bigger....but i know why it isn't.
The gun's actually bigger than the screenshots suggest if that's what you mean. Those pictures are from a previous version.
oh thats GREAT
I noticed a minor bug.
When you run without super powers and the player puts the rifle on their back, it's up-side-down.
This merge should get rid of those problems.
You're the best! I find I am running out of Ammo fighting the gangs and cops so the expanded arsenal helps. Well that and I love the Challenger's main gun leaving crimson stains where enemies and pedestrians once stood.

Yes, I used the Shokolov sounds as I thought they'd sound more like the Xmac in SR2 and I forgot to add the cartridges.
That's cool, I like both rifles and the variation in the report separate them even more.

This merge should get rid of those problems.
It fixed the casing ejection but not the sound, I liked the deeper report reminds me of the AR40 xtend I used to use in SR2 with my female boss. The one that looked like an M16 or AR with no attachments.
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