SRV Confirmed + New great info!

What I want is more exploration, side missions (like in Legend of Zelda) and a lot of abilities (more than just walking, jumping and shooting).
I hope they don't exaggerate with non-visual puzzles game. I had really not issues with hacking, but I'm awful in games that require logic.
'His response was that only a small percentage of players actually experienced these things, so Volition felt that it was more productive to focus their efforts on features that everyone would see and enjoy.'
This is what Steve Jaros told Idolninja when he was invited over to Volition to play the SRIV alpha build after Idol talked about a bunch of eastereggs and secret areas in Stilwater.
I hope they will reconsider that statement for the next game.
Probably not. And I can understand that. Why spend money and time on putting in things that only the true fans will look for? They can spend that money and time much better. It would be just a fan service. But then I can't help but thing, wouldn't putting those sorts of things in be a reward for the fans, the people that Saints Row/Volition needs?
Sure, it takes up space to make interiors for clubs, bars, whatnot, but the rest would just be strategically placed items, jokes, comments you hear on the streets. Its all minor. I mean, choose a couple of good modders and they will do it for you. For free probably.

The real reason would probably be that when the game was pretty much finished, THQ rushed the game onto the market. The game always felt uncompleted with only half the missions and gaps in the story and whatnot. And since they already started with SRIV when THQ bankrupted and they went to Deep Silver, and of course that they used the same city, they couldn't put in the stuff they wanted as SRIV had to be releases as soon as they could.

Lets hope Deep Silver will allow them to have time to make easter eggs, give fan service, and make it a truely beautiful city worthy of the name Saints Row.
It's always a question of how you spend your limited development and art resources. But I think the games that tend to endure in the cultural consciousness are both mechanically solid (without spreading too thin) and include enough deep/hidden content to give people something to dig into.
Well, Unless the series is going back to the fantastic realistically fun mix it was in Saints Row II, I'm not interested.
As long as SRV is fun, I'm in. And I want the Goth Lyfe pants back in the game.

and i want some fresh coffee! and i want a recount! and no matter how it turns out, i want my old job back! and i want a new car! and i want the city to pay for it all!
/deep breath
I'm ok.
Lol, they should totally make that game for smart devices. xD And let you use that game for a second screen for SR5! Manage your city through your own smartphone, even listen to messages on your smartphone. xD

That would be quite cool but that's identical to Watch Dogs lol. I don't know if you were being sarcastic but either way lol I think it would be a tad bit of a rip-off to the WD App.

'His response was that only a small percentage of players actually experienced these things, so Volition felt that it was more productive to focus their efforts on features that everyone would see and enjoy.'
This is what Steve Jaros told Idolninja when he was invited over to Volition to play the SRIV alpha build after Idol talked about a bunch of eastereggs and secret areas in Stilwater.
I hope they will reconsider that statement for the next game.

Exactly! That's what I absolutely adore about games, when they have endless Easter Egg nit-picks that make you really go, "Wow, they really had to think for this one" for example like a multiple step Easter Egg and such, and that's something SR2 did so right, then in The Third, bam, get shit on community.

And you know what, you know what I want, I want Competitive Multiplayer!! That was an absolutely marvellous aspect of the game, and honestly I could go on about how it would benefit but there is no point, I just have to wait and see. But imagine that? On the new-generation of consoles, with a possible new engine/ graphics module, we get competitive multiplayer with a revamped SR1 clan system. Imagine that!
I want a free roam multiplayer mode. Yes, will probably be a rip from GTAV, if they didn't just took it from other games as well. But a 32 player freeroam where different hoods are different game modes. That hood is for all death match, that hood is for co-op heists, that hood is for group vs group, that hood is for racing. Just one press on a button, and you suddenly stand in the Saints Row Online mode.

And it wasn't sarcastic. Just because Watch_Dogs did something, doesn't mean they alone can do it. 2nd screens have been used more and more. Saints Row just needs to do more with it. Not just fight against one other player to make it impossible for him, but manage your city. Change prices of the stores you bought, manage your gang to take over hoods in a RTS style, buy clothes and make different suits/outfits on the tablet (It can easily run the SR stations you can download on Steam)... Do more. When your ingame phone rings, your real phone rings and you can pick it up through your real phone and it also happens on the screen. Then whoever is talking into the phone, you hear it through your phone! That sort of stuff is funny and hasn't been done yet, except with the Wii. It can work fine through wifi. Add the Hacking mini game to the smart app. There are so much possibillities that could be so much fun and add to the game. Even on the road you could manage stuff in that AWESOME game that will be SRV. Why not put racing in that app? You can race with your tablet/phone and unlock new vehicles you can use in the real game.

And no DLC. They should make the game as full as they can, and only add some extra mission DLC like "How the Saints saved Christmas" That was a cool DLC. It had nothing to do with the main story, and it was just a fun extra. Not Extra cheats, 10+ Clothing DLC that is €3,- per DLC, a new weapon skin, that sort of shit. Instead, make one DLC where you can make your own clothes/weapon skins. Make that DLC 9,99 or something, and then you can make your own clothes! And even upload them to the SR website so others can get it. OR EVEN BETTER! You can put it in a Online store that others can buy in game in special shops. Of course, Volition would have to see if stuff is offensive on the clothes, but then again, it's Saints Row we're talking about, so I doubt there is much that is more offensive then what we've already seen. You make clothes, put sell your design to the special ingame shop, set your price and others can buy it in their own game, and you get the profit! That would be a great way to make extra money in the game to buy those extra stuff for your house, because all the prices have gone up, so its harder to get stuff so fast. Now you have to work for your money, but the reward you get is worth it, and makes you feel more content.

That is a SR I would like to see.
As long as SRV is fun, I'm in. And I want the Goth Lyfe pants back in the game.

and i want some fresh coffee! and i want a recount! and no matter how it turns out, i want my old job back! and i want a new car! and i want the city to pay for it all!
/deep breath
I'm ok.
You forgot "I want my family back!"