Personally, I think Saints Row V should not be about aliens, simulations and time travel. Let's move on to something else.
what a lot of us are trying to say is,
create an excuse to bring earth back and have the saints go back to their roots on it.
Personally, I think Saints Row V should not be about aliens, simulations and time travel. Let's move on to something else.
I don't know for certain, but hasn't it been stated long ago that if they were going to make a 5th Saints Row game, that they would take a step out of the current universe as it is? (**As in resetting everything, new characters, new story, new approach of the Saints. AKA a clear start of our lovely gang)
60. I don't know if i've already said this before but a more challenging normal & up difficulty settings.
I hate today's games where normal feels like easy/casual difficulty.
I've seen gamers day 1 open the box of SaintsRowThe3rd & SaintsRowIV & before anything turn the difficulty setting to hardcore.
And things like this: "I'm guessing you want the easier gameplay to where 4 hours in you're pretty much invincible. SR is garbage now."
The was actually said by a moderator on another forum commenting about how easy SaintsRowThe3rd & SaintsRowIV is.
So yea increased difficulty would be nice.
But yet there's those that say both SaintsRowThe3rd & SaintsRowIV is easy on hardcore before fully upgrading.
I honestly don't know what they expect in 'hard', tbh.
To me, it's very well balanced, especially SR3. SR3 survival can do a serious damage in Hardcore when you do it alone.
Some people, like in Borderlands community, for example, prefer to have cheap difficulty such as fighting buffed enemies that kill you within a few hits and yet the enemies are bullet sponge - and pretty much you have to use the same element over and over again to kill them or otherwise you have no chance.
They seem like it when they get killed over and over again in one shot. They enjoy cheap difficulty that's becoming a chore. While I play game for the enjoyment of various approach in overcoming challenges.
I hope they never add multiplayer again.
The single player campaign should be what maintains the replay value, not the dependency on other players.
Co-op or 4players is enough i think.
Free roaming.
That's why there's still an enemy threat.
As in SaintsRowIV you still have alien threats
As in SaintsRowThe3rd you have the random emergency calls.
In both you have player invasion
Co-op replayable activities
Co-op allowing friendly fire
Multiplayer is nice but unfortunately that's become a selling point for many strong single player games such as this & to me multiplayer makes single player pointless.
Why put in the effort on single player when so many rather play multiplayer.
Ask around, what gets more replay in GTAV
Single or multi
DeadSpace2 added multiplayer & it nearly killed single player to me.
DeadSpace2 multiplayer took away the element of surprise
Allowed weapon training
Strategy building
Familiarity with character movement.
DeadSpace2's multiplayer took away alot of single player campaign's challenge.
Volition puts alot of effort into characters, stories, etc.
Single player should get all the replay value not multiplayer where gamers could spend time.
While multiplayer can work for some games it doesn't always work for others. For example while GTAO or COD's online mode are at least decent some games such as Diablo 3 and Simcity 2013 were buggy, unstable catastrophes. Another thing to take note is that servers aren't always secure and they don't last forever. For example the "Lizard Squad" Fiasco that happened a few months ago. As for the topic of how long the servers will last, well in Armored Core 5 there were several missions that can only be done through the games online mode. However the servers have long since been put down and the missions themselves are now locked out.It's because players like to play multiplayer, they like to play with someone and not themselves . Sure, some players prefer the singleplayer but almost all player prefer to play multiplayer just because it's better to have some fun with someone when playing with him than trying to have fun alone after the game is totally finished and getting bored 30 minutes after you started playing .