The final Saints Row game?

Awwww.... Just when we finally get a GTA style series that let's you play the entire Story with a friend. Unlike *cough*RockStar Games*cough*. It's ending? At least we got SR 2, 3 & 4....With mod support....

Is SR4 really the end of this series or will a new series be spawned? I myself play more games co-op these days than Single player and finding good co-op games can be a bit tough.

I look forward to Saints Row 4. I just assumed Saints Row 5 would be a fall from grace sequel where you'd have to work your way from the bottom back up to the top.

Man it would be weird if RockStar announced a final GTA game?
No. I found it quite weird it was said this was the final game. It looks like the end of these characters maybe? Or more of a fresh take on the series for the next Title or like a reboot?
Jaros said that they wanted SR4 to be the end of the series as you know it, and the end of the main character aswell. Remember that SR game that people played on facebook, where you were the cousin of the boss, who misteriously had disappeared, and you had to regain Stillwater back from the new gangs that were created while the boss and the other main saints were in Steelport? Maybe they'll make a new game based on this, since that game was cancelled. I think it was called Saints Row: Total Control.
Long as we get to create our own guy still and he doesn't go back to being a mute, I'll be cool with it. I already posted my thoughts on a new installment of the series on the official forums, but to sum up the giant post I made, they need to focus on making the city far more interesting and regain the living breathing feel of Saints 2 in the next one. They already excel at making great gameplay and fun times, it's always been the cities that were weak...except for the anomaly of Saints Row 2 where their city was more interesting than Saints 1 Stilwater and Steelport put together and the NPCs felt like people at times.
I just assumed Saints Row 5 would be a fall from grace sequel where you'd have to work your way from the bottom back up to the top.
In Saints Row 5, you go into the universe, and conquer planets. And you've blown up the earth in SR5 too. Then in SR6, you get into a parallel universe, that's the fall from grace sequel where you'll have to work your way from the bottom back up to the top.

At least, that would be awesome.
Much like Mass Effect 3 was the end of the Shepard's story, Saints Row IV will be the end of The Playa's story.
SR5 will tell a different story.
They can make SR5 with space exploration, it seem like the best direction to go after the alien invasion in SR4 and Volition did Freespace last time.
Gangstas in SPAAAAAAAACE! I like this idea where Earth is destroyed and the alternate universe idea only at the end of SR5 where they end up in the universe of the style & tone of SR1 & 2 in Stilwater(which actually means SR3,4 & 5 were in an alternate universe). Which SR6 would be a back to roots kinda game. An extension of all the stuff you could do in the first two that were removed in later games that many fans complained about.

Plus SR5 could play some homage to the Freespace series. Add in jokes on how all the fame has removed them from who they really are, Gangsta thugs. How others view them as no longer being Gangsta. Yes other Aliens. Gangsta Aliens LOL!

They find out where a portal to an alternate Earth (Earth prime?) is but have to go though some Alien gang territory to get to it.

So at the end they are all happy to arrive at this alternate Earth where they get to start over again. Ending line should be: "Stilwater.... It's been a long time." as they put on the old school Saints Row Gangsta garb from killing there alternate universe selves.

Fl1ppy has some good videos on the series as a whole:
