your Dominatrix pack also costs lag and im using a brand new laptop.
That's because I included 'display.ini' file with the highest settings possible.your Dominatrix pack also costs lag and im using a brand new laptop.
It takes about 3 seconds to die once the QTE starts if you have full health - zombies are meant to be deadly, in the original game those QTEs are just pointless.Zombies QTE are way overpowered, usually it will take them a second to kill you. Idiotic idea as it is that you can die because of them, when there are constantly chasing after you, what retard came up with this?
Do you have Steam or GOG version of the game?Uh can someone help me ? my game cannot be played with this mod , the mods just work fine on past few day but when i got killed by luchador it's make my game ctd and then i launch my game again then it's make my game ctd when i choose the new game or load game i already do reinstall and verify and still can't be fixedsorry for my bad english