"True" ship location, is there more?

I don't know, I just used DFA between a wall and the water and ended up under the map, then just started gliding and ended up there.

Damn. I'd be nice if they can release the areas locations and where they are stored within the map. I've been trying for the past hour to find places but I only found the Genki area and that was by accident.. I was flying around and hit an invisible wall. Lol.
Damn. I'd be nice if they can release the areas locations and where they are stored within the map. I've been trying for the past hour to find places but I only found the Genki area and that was by accident.. I was flying around and hit an invisible wall. Lol.

Yep. That's how I found it as well. That's how they are meant to be found I guess.

Ran into another area but the game crashed before I could take a screenshot or even land the DFA, by the looks of it it was Zinyak's throne room.
I pushed my luck a few times since the Zinship is under the main crib, I went under Zimo's and Kinzie's crib but nothing there. I can't remember where Viola and Kiki's club was unless it's where one of the towers are, been a long time since I played SR3.
I have a guess that most are under the map but also above the barrier..
Don't forget that there is A LOT of water under which they can hide stuff as well.
And if they are as 'conditional' to see/run into as with the ship, I think finding anything will be a matter of luck, rather than skill, I suppose the ship placement was sort of intentionally done, so I suppose you'd have to try and extrapolate the other locations by perhaps similar symbolic cues.

Like Shaundi's plane nightmare being somewhere around the airport or something?
Or perhaps the broken she-lay-lay is actually a 'place holder' as well?
Judging by what I recall and mixed with what theyt've said, my guess is anything 'indoors' is most likely to be under the ground/water level, since it doesn't need to see the skybox. The plane, Genki, a few missions and such, I'd wager the Saints of Rage bit, and so on. It's possible they might have stuffed Stilwater there too, but more likely is it's WAY off in the distance over the water, so it can see the skybox which is forced to a special tone and so on to give the whole neat look to it. Same for the 1950s Steelport.

All of it is on the same map though. There's no option to that. The trouble is without zone swaps and such they might not always be visible. I don't think there's a specific logic to where it's placed though, it was probably stuffed wherever it fit whenever some modeller/mapper was working on their mission location.

As for the Broken Shillelagh being some 'general location', I assumed that was a joke because a number of SR3 missions start there too, particularly for other people. :)
but more likely is it's WAY off in the distance over the water

Reading this post and the one above it made me wonder if there's any way to shut off the barrier to warp you back to land or back into the map or even enable the map while in these zones, if it was possible, I'd honestly spend hours trying to find these areas. After finding the Zinship and Genki's arena, I'm rather interested in tracking down the areas. Saints Row in general has always kept me interested. I'm already on my fourth run through the story, beating it to 100% every time.

I gotta give it to Volition though, having played all the Row games, I feel more connected to the characters and who they've become through out the years. Seeing "Fake" Shaundi, King, Tanya, Julius, Maero and etc.. makes me want to play them all over again.
I pushed my luck a few times since the Zinship is under the main crib, I went under Zimo's and Kinzie's crib but nothing there. I can't remember where Viola and Kiki's club was unless it's where one of the towers are, been a long time since I played SR3.

Safeword? It's been replaced by a few random buildings and a hotspot:


I gotta give it to Volition though, having played all the Row games, I feel more connected to the characters and who they've become through out the years. Seeing "Fake" Shaundi, King, Tanya, Julius, Maero and etc.. makes me want to play them all over again.

SRIV is the first SR game I've actually been able to get all the way through.. I played SRTT just a little bit; but never played more than twenty minutes at a time and never really got into it. SRIV, however, was able to show me that there was a LOT of friendship/comraderie that I've missed out on (not to mention character development) by not playing the games. Makes me feel bad that I don't have a computer meant for gaming and that I'm only just now getting into the series.
Safeword? It's been replaced by a few random buildings and a hotspot

That sucks but I was partially right about it being replaced. Kind of odd that "Zinyak" aka Volition kept Kinzie's crib but destroyed most of the other cribs.

SRIV is the first SR game I've actually been able to get all the way through..

The story line gets better as you get further into them. Others will disagree with me here but in my opinion, Zinyak was one of the best "bosses".. and I used to play the hell out of Saints Row 2 on a Dell Inspirion 1501 (Shittiest laptop on earth) until I saved up and built my current PC so don't feel so bad. Most of my friends say my computer is a "NASA" PC which I never understood. Lol.