"True" ship location, is there more?

That sucks but I was partially right about it being replaced. Kind of odd that "Zinyak" aka Volition kept Kinzie's crib but destroyed most of the other cribs.

What I don't understand is why they had to replace the glass towers as well. It just makes the city look dull, as if the new 2D water wasn't enough.
The story line gets better as you get further into them. Others will disagree with me here but in my opinion, Zinyak was one of the best "bosses".. and I used to play the hell out of Saints Row 2 on a Dell Inspirion 1501 (Shittiest laptop on earth) until I saved up and built my current PC so don't feel so bad. Most of my friends say my computer is a "NASA" PC which I never understood. Lol.

So, it's safe to say I jumped in at a decent point? The computer I'm running it with is a Toshiba with Intel i3-2330m CPU @ 2.2 GHz, 6GB RAM, and Intel HD "Family Graphics" (whatever the hell that means); copy/pasta from CCleaner's readout. Safe to say my processor's better than my graphics card (quoting from cousin), so I've got my settings lower than preferred (I like the pretty) at a lower resolution. Makes me sad :(
Since this has turned more into a discussion instead of a Technical Modding question for Volition, I'm moving the thread to the General Chat forums.
What I don't understand is why they had to replace the glass towers as well. It just makes the city look dull, as if the new 2D water wasn't enough.
Agreed, as far as interesting worldspace goes, Steelport already wasn't high on my list from SRTT, but with SRIV they've taken out pretty much any spot that gave it some sliver of interest, which becomes painfully obvious to me once you have the story done.

@ Kushology: I think he/they kept it in because Boss wasn't that much of a fan of Kinzie's 'Sanctuary', though I suspect that's what they made of it to get away with this decision.
Found this while messing around with DFA:


Unfortunately I also got the floating bug, and when I called a vehicle it teleported me back to the map. What could it be? o_O

That's actually part of the ship area.

Look near the back there, that light blue-ish color.... it's skybox.

I investigated this yesterday myself.

I don't have a screenshot, but I found a strange texture sheet floating in the open underworld void... with propaganda messages on it.
That's actually part of the ship area.

Look near the back there, that light blue-ish color.... it's skybox.

I investigated this yesterday myself.

I don't have a screenshot, but I found a strange texture sheet floating in the open underworld void... with propaganda messages on it.

Whoa. Any idea where you were on the map?
Eurotrash: If you look at the first few images on the first page, then that one, you'll notice the similarities.. it's just in the same general area of "space" where the saints ship is.

Ambly: On the way from old Morningstar HQ (the big red zin building) to the saints ship area, under old SR TT HQ area.

I took a straight line from going under the world.

Probably in the middle of the void world along that straight path, possibly to the right a bit.
Ambly: On the way from old Morningstar HQ (the big red zin building) to the saints ship area, under old SR TT HQ area.

Probably in the middle of the world along that path.

Erhm... screenie? I can barely run the game at 15-20 FPS and this is my first SR game.. I have no idea where ANYTHING is.