"True" ship location, is there more?

I seen this video on YouTube and tried it in-game, it worked but now my question is.. Is there more secret locations like this?

Screenshots of the "TRUE" ship located under the SRTT crib.


Edit: I already know of the secret weapon spots but I mean UNDERGROUND locations..
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I haven't found a way to get into it yet and be careful when you are around the edges of it, you will slip off it and the only way to get unstuck is reload the save game.
Hm... this inspires me.
Now that it seems the ship area is actually part of the main map and not a separated instance.
Does make me wonder if the Stillwater instance is also hidden somewhere beneath the ocean floor, there's a whole lotta map to cover.

Currently looking into what happens when you call a vehicle and leave the simulation as you are ported into it.
The Xor (since the video used this as well) transferred along with me, just couldn't do anything.

I'll be testing this with a Tank now, see if I can really do some damage.


It seems the ground vehicles port you too fast.
The Void (alien VTOL) can be ported out, this explodes, and blasted me on top of the ship, see attached shot.
Of course, there's not a whole lot you can do without superpowers or access to a new vehicle since those parts are still disabled. But hey, it's something. At least we know you can get out from within, now to get within from without.
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Everything in the game is all in one world, just like SR3. It's just a matter of turning on the zone swaps and teleporting to the correct spot.
Found this while messing around with DFA:


Unfortunately I also got the floating bug, and when I called a vehicle it teleported me back to the map. What could it be? o_O
Found this while messing around with DFA:


Unfortunately I also got the floating bug, and when I called a vehicle it teleported me back to the map. What could it be? o_O
Looks like Asha's loyalty mission to me.
That picture with the ship looking out at a blue sky looks so strange after 100+ hours of SR:IV unmodded. :D
A part if the Genki area is in the same place as it was in SRTT, I found it by accident though. Something I've noticed though is, if you're underground and you notice flashes of textures, remember where they were and what direction they were facing. There's a 50/50 chance of it warping you back or it being part of the game. Any clue where Asha's area was? I plan on making a video of all the locations and where they are.