Wardrobe Color Change Mod v4

Hey Idol, any chance that you could make the STAG uniform available for this too? I can't change its colors.

I'm doing all the merging of that stuff as part of the Gentlemen of Steelport compilation that's releasing soon.
sorry to get off topic but when you say soon is it soon soon as in this comeing weekend o.0.and i still wonder why thq has not hired you yet
Soon, as in I thought it would actually be this weekend. It got pushed back a bit when the mission replay stuff happened since I've devoted every second of my free time to getting that working right. I think by the end of next weekend is probably a safe bet (but don't hold me to it.)
Soon, as in I thought it would actually be this weekend. It got pushed back a bit when the mission replay stuff happened since I've devoted every second of my free time to getting that working right. I think by the end of next weekend is probably a safe bet (but don't hold me to it.)
I didn't know GOS was going to be out so soon. Once it's released, would you recommend starting an entirely new game or continuing on with a current one?
I didn't know GOS was going to be out so soon. Once it's released, would you recommend starting an entirely new game or continuing on with a current one?

The thing to keep in mind is that GoS is going to be an ongoing project that grows over time with more content. This estimated release I'm talking about is simply the first beta of v1 that will feature some of the current work by myself and other modders. I honestly don't know what to tell you regarding using a current save vs a new one. That's what a beta release is for; testing and feedback.
This mod + pach 2 = no in-game menues beyond main one & freeze.
Looks like conflict between older lua scripts and new.

Mod needs to be updated asap, same thing happens almost with every mod.

Obviously, mods was done for previous version of game, using older lua and other scripts. Recent changes in original lua scripts seem to be conflicting with older scripts inside these mods.
So its up to modders to update their mods using files from latest patch and i really suggest them all to include instruction of what needs to be extracted, which lines needs to be added\removed\changed and where, and how to compile it back. So every user could apply mod changes to every update of game, without waiting for modder to release update.
For me "wordrobe color change" mod cause no-menu and freeze bug. Nude shaved mod caused crash during the end of game load.
I temporary removed all the mods((

Reports here http://saintsrow.com/community/go/t...orking_after_patchDLC?sdb=1&pg=last#513754487
You don't understand. It is not a conflict with older scripts vs newer. It's a problem with the asm file needing to be updated using the values for the other updated str2_pc files inside the archives. That's all.

Also, my mods already include a "How it Works" section which explains in detail what changes were made. I'm certainly not going to write detailed instructions with every release on how to use the tools though. That's the purpose of this forum and outside the scope of a single mod release.

We are all aware of the problem that the new patch has caused. I advise you to relax and simply wait for the updated versions.
Now tell me what is asm file? Isnt it a script? Isnt missmatch of values between old asm files and updated game is the conflict? )))
It is a typical conflict, thats for sure, however i might be wrong about asm files.

Well, it doesnt matter, can you point me plz to tutorial about how to mod and update asm files?
Hi Idol, i installed this mod ( followed the readme) but it crashed my game, any idea's how to fix this?