The Saints Row Conundrum
Good Things about SR2: Better clothing customization, large variety of vehicles, more variety in NPC appearances, tons of Easter eggs and distinct landmarks, day-to-night cycle and a great looking city.
Good Things about SR3: Better graphics, better weather effects, MUCH better character customization, more variety in NPC types (riot cops, grenadiers, brutes, snipers, roller-bladers etc), better missions, a more memorable OST, and better vehicle handling.
Bad Things About SR2: Graphics look beyond dated and the character models look uglier than the NPC's in Fallout (HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE), vehicle handling is just horrifying especially on PC, lack of variety in enemies except for the voice-overs, appearance and HP, extreme sense of power-creep (once you get the GAL, Ultimax, and the XMAC the game becomes incredibly easy), gun mechanics are meh (you just don't get that cathartic satisfaction like you would in other games), no matter how hard you try most of your characters will end up looking eerily similar to one-another and there's no ambient music during missions.
Bad Things about SR3: Lack of clothing options, can't replay missions, npc's have far less diversity than in SR2, less vehicles than in SR2, no day and night cycle, still has a problem with power-creep (assault rifles are useless and the only weapons that you'll ever use are the level 4 Ultimax, RPG, level 4 Shepard's, or the level 3 SMG's), and most of the city is a boring bland mess of housing projects, suburbs, warehouses and factories repeated ad-nausem.