Will Saints Row V be better than GTA V ?

It honestly surprises me that people still try to force comparisons between these 2 series. Sure, it made a lot of sense to compare Saints Row 1 to the PS2 era GTA games but where these series have gone since then, particularly with the tone of the presentation of these games, could not be more different. I used to say they were both urban sandbox game where vehicles are the primary mode of transportion, but that's only partially true these days.

It's certainly valid to prefer one series to the other, but it's kind of like someone telling you they prefer going to a restaurant and ordering the salmon instead of the steak. Subjectively you can say you like one better, but you can't really make an objective argument that one is inherently superior to the other.
- If you lose your car, or if it get's destroyed, you can retreive it at an impound lot for a small fee
- When you die, you don't lose any weapons or ammo at all, only a small amount of money

Thank god they finally fix that, now all I need is a good PC port.
I'm looking foward to a Saints Row V with IV side missions/activities style, but with the world of The Third or from SR2, furthermore I would love to see even more customization options and a on/off super-power button. I want my russian female voice back, I don't like the french accent, Viola coming back would be great aswell. Things I loved from the SRIV were Homies at the ship, interection with'em, the "new" cars, the weapon customization and the new hair options. What I really disliked was the super-powers always on, some weapons are just too OP, I can't have fun causing mayhem in the city, I want my goddamn cribs back, to hell with this aliens and with the simulation, I want real Steelport/Stillwater back. I kinda liked the way Gat was back aswell, but seriously I came back to Saints Row The Third because I HATE the Zin and the Simulation.

I don't think it's logical comparing it with GTA V since they are into other kind of game, they don't care about realism (however I think they've gone too far in SRIV), but Volition could use some things from GTA V like the huge world. Another thing I would love to see is a 4 man co-op.

My conclusion about this is, I really like the Homies in Saints Row IV, the weapon customization, the possibility to interect with the homies inside the "crib" and the activities/side-missions, but I really don't like/tolerate the new world, the super-powers, the weapon strenght, the aliens and the lack of fun inside the simulation. This is my opinion, you don't need to take it seriously, however I really hope if anyone from Volition read this they think about it for a sequel, don't take this as a flaming, bashing or trolling, because it's not my intention, I'm really being honest here. (Sorry for my english mistakes, I ain't a native speaker)
Yo guys stop comparing games in game forums it affects gamers they are both great games and has great story lines (see my comparison). you shouldn't say like "GTA 5 is better" OR " ITs the worst game ever" because thats offensive. and also they are GAMES people Just have fun and don't mind the F**king negative COMMENTS!
if you prefer saints row from GTA then so be it and if you prefer GTA than saints row then enjoy the gameplay happy gaming :D
Yo guys stop comparing games in game forums it affects gamers they are both great games and has great story lines (see my comparison). you shouldn't say like "GTA 5 is better" OR " ITs the worst game ever" because thats offensive. and also they are GAMES people Just have fun and don't mind the F**king negative COMMENTS!
if you prefer saints row from GTA then so be it and if you prefer GTA than saints row then enjoy the gameplay happy gaming :D
Um no We have the right to post info about other games its just OUR opion.....
I haven't even finished Sr4 100% yet :( (not even Sr2).
Before Sr5, I'm looking for the SDK and for the new sandbox for Sr4.
pros: fantastic and good lengthed story, lot's of things to do, slight humor, slightly less-unrealistic features i.e. driving and cover systems, massive multiplayer, online racing and group shinanigans are really fun

cons: after the campaign is finished those without online may find its lasting appeal shortened (cops are much more dangerous than sr4's), the multiplayer has kinks, some missions require coordination that some players will ignore and others will try to dominate on, forms of deathmatch offer quick cash and shooting skill but not alot of fun or excitement, loooong grinding for cash or respect can dullen out parts of online, and because it is an open world multiplayer there is the chance an ass whole may ruin your fun, and no PC version yet which means modding gta5 is not even a question at this point

pros: great humor and story, memorable characters, more customization with the protagonist and vehicles, combinations of wacky weapons and superpowers makes for fun, Co-op powers activate! better to manage who your playing with and usually done with a friend , and some modding with promise of better with tools

cons: compared to its great predecessor SR2 some customization still feels downgraded, the story without partaking in side activities is short by most standards, after the initial grinding it is very easy to become rich and overpowered, and minor bugs seem to dot the game

Sidenote: I can't believe I'm gonna say this but I find SR4 alot more family friendly than GTAV, if I had a kid I would feel a helluva lot more comfortable giving him a copy of SR4. Both have sexual themes but Saints is goofy sexual, hitting things with an alien dildo-bat is funny and everything else is either censored or a big joke, in some cases both. Bad language in Saints is pretty sparse if not lesser the amount kids say to each other these days. GTA... well let's see, interactive torture part, interactive prostitutes, lot's of subjects you don't want to mess with, just about the only line Rockstar doesn't dance on is making porno, although gta online is much cleaner I might add but riddled with annoying 10 year ironically

On the other hand you may want to get GTA because that's what your buddies are playing or Saints because it may become the next big modifiable game (yeah that's right, move the fuck over Skyrim)

As for SR5, I think the game companies really need to take a hard look at what they are doing becuase in my opinion most of the well known games have had some shitty sequals recently (army of two, 2 amazing games and then that shitty 3rd), with few exceptions. I think Saint's Row is too big a title to just let die but my fear is it will also repeat its gameplay style. The other two scenarios is a major rebrand or getting put on the back burner for a long time

Edit: get gamefly, rent and play more games for way cheaper than buying and keeping forever, plus discounts on pc games
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It honestly surprises me that people still try to force comparisons between these 2 series. Sure, it made a lot of sense to compare Saints Row 1 to the PS2 era GTA games but where these series have gone since then, particularly with the tone of the presentation of these games, could not be more different. I used to say they were both urban sandbox game where vehicles are the primary mode of transportion, but that's only partially true these days.

It's certainly valid to prefer one series to the other, but it's kind of like someone telling you they prefer going to a restaurant and ordering the salmon instead of the steak. Subjectively you can say you like one better, but you can't really make an objective argument that one is inherently superior to the other.
if they put all the good things AND THE DAMN SR2 LEVEL OF CUSTOMIZATION!!! it will be better than any grand something auto IIIXXXVV.... it was so cool to have unique characters with different beards and different mustaches with undershirts, over shirts, coats, socks, hats....good times BUT NOW look saints row IV SRTT customization....that...is...shameful