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  1. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    Unsure it's really less content if it's just a few lines that were considered annoying, that said I still ultimately feel like the reaction to the dialogue in the new game was... Weird? I'm not going to call it Oscar worthy, but it never truly struck me as like that wildly different in quality...
  2. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    If I remember right there were some odd bugs tied to world state that arose when it was modded into SR3 and SR4, I'm more than willing to believe they want it to be a feature, but the state of their proprietary engine has only gotten more complex or unwieldy overtime. I can't say I fully...
  3. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    Overall I at least feel tonally the new DLC is a step in a good direction, as most folks seem to like the new mission writing a fair bit. The only thing I've not checked out that's new is the apparently changes to early missions, which is tempting me to restart and see how that all feels again.
  4. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    I can't say I'm deeply impressed by what the DLC has to offer, but I can't say I'm quite expectant that it's going to be downhill from here. At worst this is still considerably better than the DLC plans they had on show for SR3. I'm willing to guess from the way the new map section is added on...
  5. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    I am curious to see what the future holds because at worst, this is markedly better than what Saints Row 3 offered with it's DLC in general. I actually liked the missions, there's some cosmetics I'll probably use, and the new weapon introduced is something I get to keep. Is it smaller than I...
  6. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    So far my honest feelings are that it's a smaller package than I wanted, but still surprisingly fun in ways I didn't expect. I'll be real with y'all I didn't expect much beyond ragdolling people and vehicles with the Pain&Gain. Then I find out you can use it to just slingshot yourself short...
  7. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    I mean that's the problem, I can keep and carry the SR2 minigun, but I don't wanna. It leaves me wanting for something more destructive and loud, which is where SR3 and 4 almost get it right, the slow down on walking with them is a little bit much in 3 in particular. As you said, people have...
  8. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    The optimistic hope is that the weapons are included in the "free" part of the update, which to be fair I'm still looking forward to the new section of map and the host of promised upgrades. That said, honest complaint about SR as a series, like umbrella complaint. Can we please get a permanent...
  9. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    Huh, Josh Burke listed on one of the posters, maybe things are gonna start slipping back in from the OG canon. I'm still sticking with my theory this reboot is an in universe reboot, like caused by the original saints messing around with time travel. Whether or not we're actually on Mars is a...
  10. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    My running bet is a soft relaunch on Steam in the form of a, "Complete Edition," or something like that. The rumor mill I heard was Volition had no real say in the Epic exclusivity, I mean realistically why would they as a developer and not the publisher. While I know there's stuff to complain...
  11. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    Eh, if the Sanctis Pugnis didn't already exist in this one it might feel more out of place, but it seems fine for the vibe so far. Design wise it reminds me a bit of the flamethrower from SR2 a little. At least it's not a weird bee gun lol.
  12. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    Exactly, where's my truck full of literal shit for spraying on houses? Where's all the cloned super soldiers commanded by an international cabal of super criminals? There's a distinct lack of adult film stars playing scientists too.
  13. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    I wasn't honestly expecting to see things like rebalancing story missions to have more engagement for co-op as a consideration, but that's pretty neat. Again, happy to see they're not just adding stuff but also polishing what's there, it's an appreciated effort.
  14. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    Honestly, I like the looks of what might be on the horizon, and yet it also harkens back to one of my sadder feelings about the game as a whole. It really feels like it was pushed out the door just a little too early, and seeing how they seem to be planning around letting characters like Eli...
  15. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    New world space looks ok, I hope it's got some kind of comparable number of side activities and shops to the base map. I know that's a little optimistic, but I'm still happy the game is getting any new content. I had my disappointments with it, but overall liked it well enough, if they'd killed...
  16. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    Beats me, for all I know it could be connected to the coming story expansion that's supposed to go alongside the new world space. We can't go in the museum, but it has a mission interior. Basing my expectations more on SR3 and 4's way of doing things more than anything really. I'm still...
  17. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    I hope this more or less confirms the other bridge out of town will lead to the other new world space, I wonder if they'll make any attempt to make the final map form some kind of highway loop like San Andreas. I wish a lot of this had gotten to happen sooner, but with the whole Gearbox shake...
  18. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    Y'know... I don't hate that, the map was a cluster fuck at times while I played.
  19. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    I mean... Literally a new playable world space got announced first as part of next months update. This seems like a small feature they are mentioning as part of that much larger update. Like I get wanting more, but like this seems fine as an addition to what we know should be a big update.
  20. 50percentJoe

    We Lost.

    At worst I sort of feel like I did when Saints Row 3 came out all over again, the community is deeply divided and fighting tooth and nail over the big changes. I remember people shrieking to boycott the series because they killed Gat and changed Shaundi and made it so you can't toggle dual...