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  1. T

    Slow time mod request

    agreed or stop it, I thoroughly enjoyed the stop time mod for skyrim.
  2. T

    Slow time mod request

    Would it be possible to make a mod that makes time move slower?
  3. T

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    I probably did miss a file, I'll try again to see if it works now. Its works now, thank you so much for all your help :D
  4. T

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    I installed that one first, but then switched to this one when I found it a few hours later deleting the file of that one and putting this one in its place...
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    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    just something I noticed while playing, with superpower turned off, whenever I throw a grenade I no longer throw but do the hadouken graphic and out comes the grenade rather then fireball. Not sure if this has anything to do with the crash. I'll play the 3rd mission right now and get back to you...
  6. T

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    I verified the integrity of game cache and then reinstalled the mod and it still doesn't work :( in anycase, thanks for your help. DirectX11 still doesn't work despite this so the same bug that is preventing me from running directx11 might because causing this to not work as well...
  7. T

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    I reinstalled the mod, didn't know what you meat by verify integrity (didn't see you post this originally, must have skipped over it accidentally), can you clarify?
  8. T

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    oh one more point that might be worth bringing up, I'm running Directx9 because Directx11 doesn't work for me (for some reason), could this explain why the mod doesn't work?
  9. T

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    I re installed the mod and it still doesn't work. Its the mission at smiling jacks diner right? Should I play that mission first and then see if it works? Edit: so I played the first 2 missions from the clone series and hadouken is still broken :(
  10. T

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    I purchased the game yesterday and only have 6 hours logged so which mission do you mean? The superspeed and punches with word balloons works fine (as does the teleports, at least the few that I tried, and drunk/drugged stages), so its just the hadouken thats broken...
  11. T

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    So I went ahead and bought the trouble with clones DLC anyway, and whenever I try to use a hadouken my game crashes. Not sure if I did anything wrong...
  12. T

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    Thats like one of the more expensive DLCs :( lol (I'm one of those cheapskates who didn't buy the game until the humble bundle a couple of days ago, lol) In any case, thank you for your quick response.
  13. T

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    Does this require any DLC? If so which ones?