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  1. newhalo123

    Steam workshop now supporting paid mods

    So they do this to help modders, and in the process fuck them even harder. WHAT THE HELL!?
  2. newhalo123

    Saints Row IV Jan 21 patch undocumented modding features

    here is my mods folder. sandbox plus and the cheats.xtbl wont load from it.
  3. newhalo123

    Shitface & Fan of Saints' Expanded Arsenal Mod

    Hang on.... HOW THE HELL CAN YOU BRING A BODY BACK TO LIFE!??? I did not think this was possible!! This is sorcery!
  4. newhalo123

    Childs Play pack xbox 360?

    This will most likely not come to 360 as I have not heard of Microsoft doing things like this, where you buy it, and a cut or all of the money goes to charity. If they have done this, then it might be possible, but I highly doubt it. Sorry. I mean, yeah, I would love for the dlc to come to...
  5. newhalo123

    Additional Cheats

    Where can I find the functions or actions that cheats call? I would like to modify a few. For example, I want to make the give cash cheat give a million instead of 100,000. I don't even know if it is possible. Or should I be asking this in the "Ask Volition" forum?
  6. newhalo123

    Mod file directory redirector

    could you port version 2 to SRTT please?
  7. newhalo123

    hoeward and Troglodyte - A untold Lovestory

    what the fuck.... lol, this is funny. continue it please.
  8. newhalo123

    Saints Row 4 First Person View *ALPHA STAGE*

    Just a quick question, would it be possible to port over this mod to TT? I don't have IV, but i would love to use this mod as it is just awesome.
  9. newhalo123

    Mod file directory redirector

    Thank you very much!
  10. newhalo123

    Mod file directory redirector

    Thanks! I did try it to be sure, and no, it doesn't work with TT.
  11. newhalo123

    Mod file directory redirector

    Quick question. Is there any way you could make this work for The Third? I know most of you would rather play Iv, but as I currently do not have IV and only own TT, it would be great if this could work with TT as well. All you mention in the OP is SRIV, so if it DOES work with TT, could you...
  12. newhalo123

    Tiny Pistol Mod

    Problem. That is what it was meant to do. It is a reference on men in black. They have a gun just like that, and it does exactly as it does in game. Although, if you like overpowered stuff, like me, this is fine :)
  13. newhalo123

    Is it possible to go back?

    I know it's off topic, but I vote for Gentlemen of the Zin. I think that GotS (Gentlemen of the Simulation) is too close to GoS in lettering, and I think that GotZ sounds pretty nice. I also vote for GotE (goat, lol) (Gentlemen of the Empire). Now that I think about it, Gentlemen of the...
  14. newhalo123

    Additional Cheats

    It is now called the PACEmaker. it was just renamed.
  15. newhalo123

    Found something inside the XTBL -> characters

    really? I thought for sure it would bug the hell out.
  16. newhalo123

    Found something inside the XTBL -> characters

    nice! I am still waiting to see what happens to a tiger without being a tiger. that should be interesting.
  17. newhalo123

    Found something inside the XTBL -> characters

    You mean the tiger has the tiger flag, with the velociraptor flag? What if you take off the tiger flag? then what?
  18. newhalo123

    Found something inside the XTBL -> characters

    That would be funny though!
  19. newhalo123

    Found something inside the XTBL -> characters

    This sucks that it isn't possible for SR3. IF ONLY! Why don't you eff around a bit and find out? lol.
  20. newhalo123

    Found something inside the XTBL -> characters

    We need a video of this rideeble tiger! How does it look? I doubt the tiger actually walks, but does it at least look passable? Also, since i don't have SRIV on pc (yet) I can't see this for myself.