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  1. Monkeypasta

    Where will Saints Row go next?

    With the way they've handled superpower gameplay systems in the last two games, I'd really like for Volition to actually tackle a legit superhero game. Running on saints-style humor/trope deconstruction and Cryptic games level of customization, I think they could have a really fun game. Would...
  2. Monkeypasta

    EVERYthing you need to know about Gat Out of Hell!!

    The Steam page says otherwise....though knowing how goofy Volition can be, take that for what it's worth..=P
  3. Monkeypasta

    Volition at PAX Prime

    Good; less gangsta shit, the better. But I guess at some point the SR universe is gonna implode or start anew.
  4. Monkeypasta

    Japanese SR4 trailer is... just...

    No more strange than what's already in the's not bad though. Hell, this one gives a complete rundown.
  5. Monkeypasta

    Modding Mishaps - SRIV version

    ^^Saints police car as a homie = Transformer.
  6. Monkeypasta

    Sr5 Storyline Idea

    Sign me up for the crazier side; I'd rather they'd go with pure stupid fun and be themselves.
  7. Monkeypasta

    How the Saints Save Christmas DLC 12/11

    Figured it's just a naming convention for the reward name; don't think they actually give you Christmas themed socks/drawers.
  8. Monkeypasta

    Is your boss a man or a woman?

    4 dudes, 3 chicks for some reason.
  9. Monkeypasta

    SRIV Nexus?

    Nexus community and the SDK..:D Oh man, one can dream.
  10. Monkeypasta

    How the Saints Save Christmas DLC 12/11

    Holy shit, nice find. Mason would be proud.:)
  11. Monkeypasta

    How do you feel about Saints Row DLC?

    More Demons of the Badlands, a little less everything else...I miss Red Faction.:(
  12. Monkeypasta

    Past Gangs Spawning Mod

    Ah, okay; thought I was trippin' balls. I managed to use the new spawn ranks with some of the old files and it works great. :)
  13. Monkeypasta

    Past Gangs Spawning Mod

    So are skintone balloon people and monkey-tigers normal? Think I may have fucked up somewhere...
  14. Monkeypasta

    Can't start game

    Ditto on that; removed everything and ran on default and It worked...but need to pinpoint the mod conflicts. Wish there weren't so many overrides/conjoining of key files.
  15. Monkeypasta

    Enhanced Gang Customization - VERSION 2.0 is out! Now with Zin Saints!

    Yeah, I didn't plan on sleeping tonight anyway...
  16. Monkeypasta

    SPOILERS Release date of this dlc?

    Shogo, Miller, Andy Zhen, various cops/peds in 2,etc; he's up there with the VO usuals. I'm pretty much the opposite; dig the goofy-ass set pieces and situations that SR is known for. No biggie if it doesn't break the mold, as the SDK will more than make up for it. Think people are anticipating...
  17. Monkeypasta

    SPOILERS Release date of this dlc?

    2's were no different; Tera Patrick's and Dex's were over in about 3 missions a piece. Hoping that 4 breaks the trend, but not counting on it. Really dug the story of Gangsta's in Space though; need more smug assholes for Lowenthal to voice.
  18. Monkeypasta

    Did THQ quit making saints row games ?

    Geomod in can dream. Maybe in about one or two console generations...
  19. Monkeypasta

    Modding Mishaps - SRIV version

    ^^ "I know you just think of me as that mean ole monster that comes out to harass you at 6 stars...but there's more to me than that." Saints Row 4: Warden- A Story Untold...
  20. Monkeypasta

    Why'd you choose your current avatar?

    Fan of creepy stuff, I guess. Dunno if Villager-Reggie beats out my original though...