Gat out of Hell chat/thoughts.

Well, SR:GOOH is the shortest Saints Row version i've seen.

PS:Sorry if I bumped into dead thread.
I really liked the flying and done almost everything except the weapon challenges and a few killing ones. The Ramming one took a long time since all the pedestrians didnt spawn when I ran them over lol
It sucks..It's nothing but a cheap cash grab..Give me SR5 now

My biggest problems -

No proper missions
Same SR4 activities with some tweaks
Same powers with some tweaks..There are few new ones but most of them are copy paste from SR4
No radio..I wanted some hell themed tracks lol
It's basically same Steelport map with Hell skin on
No customization options for GAT and Kinzie..
Kinzie does not fit as a character in this DLC...I find it funny when i see her murdering people like BOSS lol...Plus she has broad man-like muscular shoulder in the game which instantly turns me
GAT sucks...He just talks about murdering people all the time nothing else...
I rather wait a few years for an actually decent SR5.
This looks like lazy cash grab...I don't see the point of this DLC at all... Looks like Deep Silver doesn't have enough cash to fund a proper big budget SR 5 game, so they are forcing Volition to milk SR franchise by releasing shit DLCs like GOOH...
I decided to beat Saints Row 2 again lately and I discovered that IdolNinja confirmed Gat out of Hell five years ago in GotR. I knew it, everything was set up from the beginning. :P