Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

Anyone have a shot of the back of the female Decker outfit? After installing the mod with the extended character creation sliders, the backpack thing seems to be way bigger than it was before. I uninstalled the mod, and it still looks to big. Tried reloading earlier saves, re-downloading the cache, hell, I even reinstalled the game and it's still like that. Mucking about with the extended sliders does give it messed up proportions, but I couldn't get it back to what I thought was normal. Now I just want to know if I'm going crazy or if it was always like that. I can't find any clean shots of it to compare it with.

What it looks like:

Only shots of the back of it I can find: (2nd pic down)
I really can't see how the mod could possibly be the cause of that, especially if you remove it.
That's why I'm looking for a comparison image. I can't think of any way the mod could do that, but it's the only variable I can think of. So I'm trying to figure out if it's a particularly convoluted bug or if I'm going crazy. If I have a comparison image, I'll know if it's all in my head or not.
Sometimes the slider effects and the extra keys don't take full effect until you visit the surgeon and start playing with the slider values. Maybe the opposite is true as well after removal. Have you tried going there and resetting to the default female just to test?
Sometimes the slider effects and the extra keys don't take full effect until you visit the surgeon and start playing with the slider values. Maybe the opposite is true as well after removal. Have you tried going there and resetting to the default female just to test?

You might want to give this a try. The Decker's Outfit basically hides your characters physical appearance. Any kind of muscle/sex appeal doesn't really show through.
> Here's a screenshot of what one of my female characters looks like with the Deckers Outfit on. Keep in mind this is WITH GoS installed. Do you have some sort of backpack on maybe?


Okay, so it's probably not all in my head. No backpack on.

> Sometimes the slider effects and the extra keys don't take full effect until you visit the surgeon and start playing with the slider values. Maybe the opposite is true as well after removal. Have you tried going there and resetting to the default female just to test?

> You might want to give this a try. The Decker's Outfit basically hides your characters physical appearance. Any kind of muscle/sex appeal doesn't really show through.

Yeah, I've tried going back in to the surgeon with and without the mod. Tried maxing the sliders in each direction. Didn't do anything. Well, it made it more weird (it gets bent into a sort of M shape), but that's not what I'm going for.

Since I've REINSTALLED the game and it's still there, the cloud save system is almost certainly a factor. I can't figure out why it won't go back to normal when the mod is removed though. My best guess is that the outfit model modifiers are stored separately from the body sliders for some reason, and when the more extreme values modified them they didn't revert. When the normal body slider values modify the exaggerated outfit modifiers, they cant make enough of a difference. But if that was the case repeated re-iterations of normal-extened-normal-extended would result in the model becoming a hilariously grotesque parody of itself, which doesn't happen.
> Since I've REINSTALLED the game and it's still there, the cloud save system is almost certainly a factor. I can't figure out why it won't go back to normal when the mod is removed though. My best guess is that the outfit model modifiers are stored separately from the body sliders for some reason, and when the more extreme values modified them they didn't revert.

IdolNinja would be more of an expert on this than me because he has some actual experience in this. Did you change any body sliders when you had GoS installed and before this issue arose? The steam cloud shouldn't be an issue because it only stores user saves and settings (correct me if I'm wrong on this). One thing you could try is disabling the cloud for Saints Row 3 and then reinstalling again to see if your problem is resolved.

> When the normal body slider values modify the exaggerated outfit modifiers, they cant make enough of a difference. But if that was the case repeated re-iterations of normal-extened-normal-extended would result in the model becoming a hilariously grotesque parody of itself, which doesn't happen.

If this is some weird extreme case, resetting the sliders with GoS's extreme sliders should have either a more profound impact or solve the problem altogether.
The million dollar question is, does a newly created character look ok?
This: is what I've been able to get with and without extended sliders by zeroing the settings. It's definitely different from the the comparison images. ARG. I can't figure this out and it is driving the engineer/programmer inside of me mad. I don't even really care that it's wrong anymore; it's the fact that it makes no sense that's bugging me.

> The million dollar question is, does a newly created character look ok?

That's what I wanted to test, but it takes a while to get the decker outfit from a new game, and I haven't had much of that lately.

Fuck it, lets do this. The decker outfit can be bought at Nobody Loves Me with the default mod right?