Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

I suggest updating the second post of this thread. For example, the note about toggling weapon upgrades on/off which has been already solved.

There are only so many hours in a day. :P

Plus, I already added a note before I moved it that it was woefully out of date.
What happens when you include a file in 1-MY_EXTRA_MODS that conflicts with another mod in the compilation? Does it somehow get spliced in if it doesn't change the same lines or does it completely overlap and replace?
It completely replaces. Anything in that folder will simply take precedence during the build process. The upcoming gui version of GoS does line by line file edits though which will give the player much more granular control of the mods.
Downloaded the mod,extracted in a folder called "sr3 mod" on my desktop,copied the file "Remove_all_SRTT_mods.bat" to my sr3 folder,then launched it...and it removed my mods.
then ran "Create_Custom_GoSv1.bat",chose the coop mode(so i pressed C) and then copied the 2 files from the "My_CUSTOM_SR3_MODS" to my cache folder,after the backup,of course.

ran the game,and it's vanilla! it has nothing different than vanilla: no new weapons,no new vehicles,... ONLY the mission replay worked...

So,i've decided to use the full pack of mods,so in the .bat i pressed A and then P,copied again...and still vanilla...but with the mission replay mod O.o

after that,i tried the f*ckton 145 files,put them all in my sr3 folder,changed my cache files to vanilla ones...AND STILL NOTHING CHANGED...omg,what am i doing wrong???
.omg,what am i doing wrong???

What you're doing wrong is not reading and understanding what mods you're installing. You need to go into advanced mode and then into each submenu and manually select what individual mods you want to include. All that you're doing is building the default core mods which are very subtle changes and bugfixes. Also, if you're expecting new vehicles and weapons then you are probably going to be severely disappointed. None of that exists, and won't until we can figure out the mesh format and create tools to work with it.