with all the pirates you ban you should get Violition to pay you guys a commision to report thieves 

i'm having a problem when replaying the Murderbrawl mission. my boss gets to where she's kneeing Killbane in the crotch, and everytime on the 3rd knee jab, the screen goes black, kinda like when you fall under a car, and then both appear out in the middle of the ring (tho Killbane still has the animation of being in the corner) then he bashes boss...and throws himself outta the ring. and he stays out. boss is frozen for few seconds but then can move, but killbane just stands outside the wring walking around. i can't proceed past that. i'm using the part of the mod that disables forced wardrobe changes if that makes a difference. any advice?
one more question, I can't have other mods when I have GoS?