Saints Row IV Hands on with the Saints Row IV press preview

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So, can't you guys mod on PS3 ?
Remember those Forum Rules you agreed to when you signed up?

PART I: Forum Rules

  1. No console modding - All mods and discussion on this site are only for the PC version of SRTT and not the console version. Discussing the console version itself is allowed but not modding it in any way.
PART II: Basic Posting Common Sense

  1. DO NOT double/triple/quadruple/etc post. If you have something else to say then use the EDIT button instead of adding multiple posts in a row. There are obvious exceptions to this rule for authors of mod releases that require frequent updating, or if you are reviving an older thread with new important information.

And another question, can I pre-order the game on Amazon ? I live in Portugal ..

You'll have to check Amazon to get that answer.
Oops, sorry, then I'll make it like this :

What's the fastest car ?
Have you already discovered some Easter Eggs ?
Are they cooler than the one's in Saints Row 2 ?
Idol, you mentioned before that the SRTT dlc costumes seemed to be included in the base game right? Because I really liked my Decker Specialist outfit and was wondering if I'm still able to wear that. I hope I'm not being a bother by asking this.
Oops, sorry, then I'll make it like this :

What's the fastest car ?
Have you already discovered some Easter Eggs ?
Are they cooler than the one's in Saints Row 2 ?

What strange and vague questions...

I didn't have my stopwatch on me.
"Cool" is subjective.

Idol, you mentioned before that the SRTT dlc costumes seemed to be included in the base game right? Because I really liked my Decker Specialist outfit and was wondering if I'm still able to wear that. I hope I'm not being a bother by asking this.

It's in, yes.
Are the Police and Steelport Guard uniforms still in the game? also I heard there are capes that your character can wear, have you seen any in the preview build or your time in LA?
I did not see either of those outfits. There is only one cape, and it's part of the Nyteblade outfit.
And how about the environment ? Because I remember Saints Row 2 with those awesome waterfalls, and landmarks . How about SR IV ?
Oh, I was hoping to see some changes, besides the '' obvious '' ones of the simulation
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