Saints Row IV Hands on with the Saints Row IV press preview

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I know everybody has been asking this, but i'm not fully '' enlightned '' . Do you get bored after playing all missions º' In Saints Row 2, I played 120 hours, and I had the game at 98% ( Damn you Heli Assault activities ), and I didn't noticed . It had just so many things to do that I never knew that I was playing the game for 120 hours . Is it the same for Saints Row IV ?

I feel the same way about SR2, and loved the open world. I never felt like that with SRTT either. In that game, when I was done with missions and activities I never wanted to keep playing at all.

In the SRIV preview build I've just been free roaming and exploring for the last 15 hours out of 30, and I'm having a blast. I'd say that's a great sign.
<.< You've already gotten 15 hours of play out of it? Jeez... The things I'd do just to see the preview build in action.

No, I've got 30+. But it's split equally in half between free roam and actually doing missions/activities. ;)
No, I've got 30+. But it's split equally in half between free roam and actually doing missions/activities. ;)
How on earth have you played it that much? :)

Actually, I don't want to know how many hours I've racked up, either...
No, I've got 30+. But it's split equally in half between free roam and actually doing missions/activities. ;)
Then by my math that's basically my monies worth.

Breakdown of Joe's game to cost ratio:

x dollars spent = x hours of enjoyment

Thus, I bought my pre-purchase for $45, so I'm sure the full game will provide, easily at that, 15 more hours ontop of the 30 that JUST THE PREVIEW BUILD has managed to pull off.
How on earth have you played it that much? :)

It's just that awesome. I can't stop. :D

Then by my math that's basically my monies worth.

Breakdown of Joe's game to cost ratio:

x dollars spent = x hours of enjoyment

Thus, I bought my pre-purchase for $45, so I'm sure the full game will provide, easily at that, 15 more hours ontop of the 30 that JUST THE PREVIEW BUILD has managed to pull off.

Be aware that the preview build is only 6 missions out of 37 and maybe 1/3 of the open world stuff too.
How does pre-ordering from the Steam work ? Does it work only for PC's ? ( Sorry for my bad English, i'm from Portugal )
How does pre-ordering from the Steam work ? Does it work only for PC's ? ( Sorry for my bad English, i'm from Portugal )

Steam is PC gaming only, just as this forum is only for modding the Saints Row games on PC.
So, can't you guys mod on PS3 ?
And another question, can I pre-order the game on Amazon ? I live in Portugal ..
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