Saints Row IV Hands on with the Saints Row IV press preview

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Just checked, and streaking is still in. There is also a Karate Kid Cobra Kai gi that I colored orange which looks great along with the Dragon Ball super saiyan hair. It actually made me laugh when I started running with it. :D
Just checked, and streaking is still in. There is also a Karate Kid Cobra Kai gi that I colored orange which looks great along with the Dragon Ball super saiyan hair. It actually made me laugh when I started running with it. :D
Even better! What I like about this preview build is you seem to keep finding new things...and it's only a demo. That can only bode well for the full game, IMO
Even better! What I like about this preview build is you seem to keep finding new things...and it's only a demo. That can only bode well for the full game, IMO

Man, there is just so much cool stuff. I keep finding all sorts of things. :D
how..."ragdoll-y" is this game? With SR2 practically every action you did resulted in either you or an NPC ragdolling like crazy. It all felt natural. In SR3, falling from heights or jumping out of cars got replaced with repetitive rolling animations and killing NPCs resulted in the same 3 outlandish death animations over and over again. I'm playing SR2 right now and I just witnessed a cop get shot in the back of the head, resulting in her slowly sinking to her knees before falling to the ground. All done with her natural ragdoll physics, no static animation.
I have noticed quite a few new animations for npcs, but nothing like how SR2 used to be. To be fair though, the stuff in SRTT never bothered me so I haven't been paying much attention. Minimaul probably needs to weigh in on this too.
The more I read the more excited I found myself about the game. Thanks for the review, definitely got rid of any skepticism I had.
With the next generation consoles coming out this winter. Will there be a new engine for the next game (after SR4)?
If so, how much about the new engine can be revealed?
I can't really comment on any of this yet.

One thing that was listed in one of the threads (can not remember where) was that doing more then a 2 person CO-OP is/was difficult due to the amount of data that is sent between players just for the users data.

Is there a way to compress the user data and send it once to the other players.
Then just call on the present data instead of resending all of the users data every time (to cut down on network bandwidth).
We have done most of what you suggest here for a long time. On SR3, we bake down the customization options and send them over the wire. We actually send textures a mip at a time, so your coop friend looks better over time. Hopefully with next gen, we can move the processing over to the other machine, so when someone joins you build the textures instead of download them. We simply couldn't do that because of the memory required for this generation.

There is a lot of other data besides customization though and good deal of memory required just to get out of the technical side of things. Then you have to design encounters that can easily scale somehow between 1-x players.
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