Saints Row IV Hands on with the Saints Row IV press preview

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Absolutely love this list the weapon customization is one of the things in most excited about in the game. So is the Baseball bat with nails now a skin? if so that is a great change from Saints Row The Third where sadly it was a permanent weapon upgrade. Also this is just in the preview build correct? so that would mean there is more weapons and skins that are not listed or have been announced yet? :D
Absolutely love this list the weapon customization is one of the things in most excited about in the game. So is the Baseball bat with nails now a skin? if so that is a great change from Saints Row The Third where sadly it was a permanent weapon upgrade. Also this is just in the preview build correct? so that would mean there is more weapons and skins that are not listed or have been announced yet? :D

Yes, it is a skin. There are definitely more weapons/skins that weren't in the preview.
IdolNinja, how much of the game is finalized so far? Is the game basically finished and they're just polishing things up, maybe adding some new skins, etc., or are major parts of the game still being developed and/or changed around?

Submission for consoles and manufacturing takes a couple months or so usually, so those are pretty well wrapped up now. The PC version on the other hand goes much quicker as far as steam->release so we are still working on some PC things.
You silver-tongued devil. Tell me more. :)

Well, for one thing there is this pesky driver thing that makes AMD cards have pretty terrible frame rates and we're looking at what options we might have to help out there. For the other things, you'll need to wait and read the readme. People read those, right?
Submission for consoles and manufacturing takes a couple months or so usually, so those are pretty well wrapped up now. The PC version on the other hand goes much quicker as far as steam->release so we are still working on some PC things.

Is one of them PC things a SRIV version of GTAIV's Independence FM? I know a lot of people would love this. The Radio mode for Independence FM was the best. The DJ making fun at you, your music choices, and the commercials after a few of your songs play.
Is one of them PC things a SRIV version of GTAIV's Independence FM? I know a lot of people would love this.

I don't think so currently, but this sounds like something that doctor sleem wants to enable so I wouldn't exclude it from possiblity.
I don't think so currently, but this sounds like something that doctor sleem wants to enable so I wouldn't exclude it from possiblity.

Yay! Shame I can't preorder more then once. That is the one feature SR always lacked.. and if it finally gets in, you have no clue how happy I'd be, as well as countless others.
Submission for consoles and manufacturing takes a couple months or so usually, so those are pretty well wrapped up now. The PC version on the other hand goes much quicker as far as steam->release so we are still working on some PC things.

Cool! Just out of curiosity, what do you guys do in between the time when you release a game and start working on the next game? Do you take a break, work on DLC, or something else?

And speaking of the next game ;), what might it be? I kid, I kid...or am I?
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