How do you feel about Saints Row DLC?

What are you feelings regarding Saints Row DLC for SRTT and SRIV?

  • I love it and can't wait to buy more!

    Votes: 38 11.8%
  • I like it and buy some of it that interests me

    Votes: 76 23.6%
  • I like the mission packs, but not the item ones (clothing, weapons)

    Votes: 80 24.8%
  • I like the items dlc packs, but not the mission ones

    Votes: 10 3.1%
  • I like the dlc, but it costs more than it's worth

    Votes: 97 30.1%
  • I dislike most of the dlc that's been released so far

    Votes: 46 14.3%
  • I hate Volition's DLC practices!

    Votes: 46 14.3%
  • I want an expansion to the base game that adds additional features

    Votes: 173 53.7%

  • Total voters
All I want is more to do in the game. I was playing SR:TT up to the week before SRIV's launch and it was fun. I could keep busy. There were side missions and assassinations and car thefts. Something to do other than walk around and endlessly piss off the cops. Since SRIV came out I've been hesitant to touch SR:TT because I have issues going backwards in games and losing what it feels like I've accomplished, but there's nothing to do. I could try to get a gold medal versus the silvers I unlocked in a few places but what is the point? I don't want to do those missions again. I don't care about the rewards. The missions I do want to do, like the story missions, I can't. Not without starting completely over again.

Each time a new DLC pack comes out I hope there's something that will make me want to play this game again. I go and put on my crappy costume suit (because everything is a single piece now) and I test out the new weapon skin that may or may not have come with it. After about an hour I'm done. I shelve the game again and I sit and lurk endlessly on these forums hoping to see if someone in the modding community can cure that itch for me.

The SR:TT mission packs where fine. They each added something new to the game and were mostly fun to replay. EtD was fun, but not the kind of fun I want to endlessly replay. In fact all it really does is make me miss the old Cribs more. I hate that they were taken away. I hate that they seem to be in the game and not accessible. At least with them I could feel some connection to the city.

SRIV has, for me, become a stale sandbox with nothing to do but attract the Zin and kill Wardens again and again. Please Volition, for the love of god, give me a reason to keep playing. I will give you all of my money if you can just give me something back that makes it feel worthwhile.
me too bro i can only buy a game at one month so when i finish a game what can i do?? nothing just seat in a dark corner waiting for a game to buy and sometimes i just play the game over and over and over and over again with another characters just to have fun but its not a "fresh" fun its just "doing what i learned to do"
I'm willing to give Volition a huge pass for SRIV as they'd been under the yoke of THQ; I could quite easily imagine "Don't spew that godforsaken Asha voiceover on the loading screen" as a $1.99 DLC pack under their regime. But overall, SRIV is far, far less satisfying than SRIII. It seemed like 90% of the game was just finishing the diversions, with there being scant few story missions. It's all the more painful since the opening was so promising - pancake QTEs! A spaceship! ...and then a lot of meh. The loyalty missions were OK, but mostly more of the same.

To get back to the main question - that of DLC - I was hoping that EtD would flesh out the game a lot more; both Homies in Space and Trouble With Clones were good, meaty expansions, but EtD felt like a bunch of leftovers. The furry and chariot scenes are pretty much the only things that didn't seem like recycled filler, although I did appreciate the voice-overs and snarkiness involved.

So, all in all, I'm happy to have bought the game and the season pass to get the franchise back on its feet - but I'll be looking at DLC very, very skeptically and as an augur of what SRV would be like (assuming it's in the pipeline.)
i love these extra goodies we have been given. my only gripe is that etd was WOEFULLY short. when it could have added so much more than it did. but, i like the extra clothing and goodies that i get from dlc too. (i ADORE the Gat V and super saint packs, i also like the pirate pack too) and even though etd COULD have been done much better(ie, more weapons, more outfits,longer more varied missions, more rewards.... why the fuck did it NOT give us the dominatrixes outfit?!), i like what was there (the mini gun is a permanent addition to my weapons wheel thank you kindly). i like the dominatrix for how little screentime she gets, i love the ending of etd too (its INSANE!!!). and in volitions defense, they are probably still on a budget and reeling from thqs closer. its cute how people EXPECT dlc to be more than what it is: just extra stuff thats optional and there for those who want it.
what im drooling at though is what the sdk is capable of. like, can we build new places WHILE keeping steelport as it is? (we got a whole bunch of water surrounding it people, I THINK we can put stuff there) could we even build and shape steelport into having more interiors, more stores, hell, maybe a shopping mall? (i LOVED the mall in sr2, id like to see it again but with all stores enterable.... even if you cant buy anything) i dont think dlc will cut it. it would probably be a collaboration between volition, of course idol, and the modding community to make steelport into a kickass virtual prison. or, better yet, (itll probably take a while to do if its possible) recreate stillwater from sr2, expand the borders of the simulation, and have it RIGHT next door to virtual steelport? (it IS a simulation, so anything goes right?) HOLY BALLS would that be awesome!! i mean it would have to be a massive collaboration between volition and idolninja (maybe the modding community. you cant have all the fun idol. ;P) but in the end, its worth it to expand and make an amazing game, even awesomer. :D
but, these are my two cents.
The items are a bit overpriced for the ammount of time I'm actually going to use them, but whatever, I don't have to buy them. I just wish the season pass covered ALL the damn content they release. At least this time around the SP was more reasonably priced for what you get.
What? The chariot race was shamelessly copy/pasted from SR3.
true, though to be fair it actually felt like a thing in EtD due to its length (and the commentary), while in SR3 it just felt like a stepping stone in a line of jokes. Depending on your aim the ponycart section lasts maybe 20 seconds at the most.
I feel all the dlc was darn disapointing, and I buy it anyway, because it's Saints Row and I want anything to customise my character or try to expand their story (the friggin ETD made my boss and the homies so out of character from how I view them). I don't know what's possible with dlc, but in my ideal world, I explained in my last post, I don't want this. And I'm sick of how Shaundi was viewed and the sex jokes. I really am compelled towards Saints Row, particularly four at the moment (I hope for SR2 to be improved on pc so I can play it properly, since I can't do much on console at the moment), is it too much asking for more worthwhile purchases?
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I've been buying all the DLC, but would love if the story was expanded on.

Also I'd love something to spend the extra 190 thingies I have on.
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I'll be honest, there are certain item packs & even mission packs I love.
But making cheats into DLC is a big NO in my rule book. Cheats are always
an integral part of every game, they're not supposed to restrict us from using them
such as "Never Die" or "Infinite Ammo".

But enough from my rant about the cheats, since almost everyone whines as much...maybe
even more or less than I do about them. If they're gonna make DLC that caters to all our tastes,
then for starters, put all cheats back in the game & focus on making good quality mission packs
& even item packs that we all love...for example; bring back some more old gangs like the Rollerz,
Carnales, Samedi, Deckers & Luchadores...maybe make a mission pack where virtual Steelport
is besieged by viral zombies or maybe a mission pack where the Zin have divided into Zinyak's
loyalists as insurgents against the Saints empire....which means a major turf war is fought in space.

But then again, I'm sure the guys at Volition have already thought of that, let alone take notes
of our ideas. But as for Item pack ideas, it would be nice to bring back the weapon skins from
the 3 previous Saints Row the K6 Krukov, the AR-40 X-tnd, AR200 SAW, Sawn-off 12 gauge,
NR4, T3K & even VICE 9!!

Anyway, that's all...thanks.
I'll be honest, there are certain item packs & even mission packs I love.
But making cheats into DLC is a big NO in my rule book. Cheats are always
an integral part of every game, they're not supposed to restrict us from using them
such as "Never Die" or "Infinite Ammo".

But enough from my rant about the cheats, since almost everyone whines as much...maybe
even more or less than I do about them. If they're gonna make DLC that caters to all our tastes,
then for starters, put all cheats back in the game & focus on making good quality mission packs
& even item packs that we all love...for example; bring back some more old gangs like the Rollerz,
Carnales, Samedi, Deckers & Luchadores...maybe make a mission pack where virtual Steelport
is besieged by viral zombies or maybe a mission pack where the Zin have divided into Zinyak's
loyalists as insurgents against the Saints empire....which means a major turf war is fought in space.

But then again, I'm sure the guys at Volition have already thought of that, let alone take notes
of our ideas. But as for Item pack ideas, it would be nice to bring back the weapon skins from
the 3 previous Saints Row the K6 Krukov, the AR-40 X-tnd, AR200 SAW, Sawn-off 12 gauge,
NR4, T3K & even VICE 9!!

Anyway, that's all...thanks.
I doubt they will bring back weapons from other games, as theyr working on an SDK :p, soon as we have a Matlib tool im sure people will be porting more weapons, also thers alot more to it than just 'skins' you need a mesh for that texture to map to, and a whole bunch of tabels to code up that weapons behavour and vfx etc