How the Saints Save Christmas DLC 12/11

Seems like Saints Row VI will be sooner than Saints Row V. :p

EDIT: I just refreshed the site and "VI" became "IV". Ah, that Volition magic. ;)
I must be the only one, i actually preferred ETD over this one.
They are both great though, i love the small Santa town, the only thing not going for it was probably the length and the reason i prefer ETD more
Good they changed it quickly, or they'd have had even more people than usual going on about, "THEY'RE GOING TO SELL THAT DLC AS A GAME TOO!"
I really thought EtD should have started with a SR VI logo. That'd been awesome.
My concerns weren't exactly alleviated, but it was still alright. The gameplay felt a bit nicer (albeit some places in the new environments didn't feel too super power friendly), having different enemies and revisiting pleasantville (despite framerate drops) was enjoyable, and there's a nice bit of replay value. The new Genki activity was definitely the most entertaining part (throwing things around that bright cathedral definitely reminds me of Christmas lights, though I'm sure if that's what they were going for :3), and campy jokes do have charm. It didn't change the saints row playbook, but eh its dlc, its alright.
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Odd, am I the only one that can't get this dlc to run?
When I activate it tells me to return to the ship, and go to the rec room with computer, when I go there, the games go dark, and I'm back in the ship, but now I can use superpower and weapon, check the quest, and it tells me to return ot the ship, but 430M away outside, except stuck in the ship.

And I verified intergrity with Steam, but still same problem.
I think I know why the 50's town reminds me of Gremlins now and I don't know how I missed it before. The building with the clock just didn't ring any bells at first but then I was watching Back to the Future earlier today and I was like hrmm, that reminds me of the building in the 50's town in SRIV.. and wait a sec... Gremlins used some of the same lots.

Now I'm thinking of re-playing that level to see if I can find the Bates Motel.

The Christmas sweater amuses me more than it should.

Odd, am I the only one that can't get this dlc to run?
When I activate it tells me to return to the ship, and go to the rec room with computer, when I go there, the games go dark, and I'm back in the ship, but now I can use superpower and weapon, check the quest, and it tells me to return ot the ship, but 430M away outside, except stuck in the ship.

And I verified intergrity with Steam, but still same problem.

- Do you have any mods installed? If you have, maybe you should find which mod is causing it or just remove all the mods and try again. I've seen alot of complaints stating that certain mod will cause certain kind of weird problems in this new update, let us know if you found them. My culprits was 'game_lib.lua' & 'sr3_city.lua' from Streaking in the Real World 1.0 mod.

This DLC is just beautiful, even though it's short but still beautiful. Would've been perfect if it was longer, also with more characters appear in it instead of just the ending scene. Since it's all about the holiday season, I'll let it slide for it being beautiful. BTW, who was being a good sport and licked the Candy Cane Door to the end? I did! :D
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