How the Saints Save Christmas DLC 12/11

lol i am curious if that is fun Shaundi finly brought to the real world by matt or kinze or is it some werid future Shaundi. Because if it is omg a 3rd Shaundi lol 2 is enough but 3 meaning that the future one is going to be even meaner and bitcher then the current Shaundi lol.
OMG, I must have it. Especially because my boss is Scandinavian, and Santa Claus is scandinavian aswell.
My Boss come back to home!

I wanted to have them in SR!!!
My guess? CyberShaundi is from the future. That way we have a "three ghosts of Christmas" analogy:
Past: Fun Shaundi
Present: nu-Shaundi
Future: CyberShaundi.
What, so you envision your character as being impervious to people forcefully holding them down (possibly by surprise)? How does that work? o_O
Well, looking at the early versions of the cutscenes, it seems like you come over to her and say something (probably douchey) and she reacts by pushing you over and holding you down. Don't the forums talk about how we want the badass boss that doesn't take crap from anyone (not that I like the idea of being a douche)? And I can't say the idea of a bionic Shaundi holding down my character with a cyber arm over a silly story idea is something I would find ideal. Sorry I don't want to make a big deal out of it.
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Well, looking at the early versions of the cutscenes, it seems like you come over to her and say something (probably douchey) and she reacts by pushing you over and holding you down. Don't the forums talk about how we want the badass boss that doesn't take crap from anyone (not that I like the idea of being a douche)? And I can't say the idea of a bionic Shaundi hold down my character with a cyber arm is something I would find ideal. Sorry I don't want to make a big deal out of it.

For all you know the boss is about to retaliate. Also, a biomechanically enhanced Shaundi is probably stronger than the boss. I find it a bit silly to judge one frame of a cutscene - because you can't see what happens next.

Also, "the forums" is also home to quite a few people who believe the funnier, nicer Boss (who's still a badass). Honestly, I fucking hated when the boss went all psycho-bitch AKA the "badass boss that doesn't take crap from anyone" that you and your "forums" seem to like. in SR2. When she burned that poor guitarist dudes hand (just for being friends with Maero), stopping him from pursuing his passion forever? She laughed and smiled. She seemed to take a perverted pleasure from thinking about Jessica screaming as Maero unknowingly crushed her, body parts oozing and squelching. It was like driving your drunk alcoholic friend home. You're angry at them for being this way, but at the same time you care enough about them and you're worried, helpless, and sad about the path they're going down. Except worse.

It's, "just not how I created or envision my character".

But yeah let's not make a big deal out of this.
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She seemed to take a perverted pleasure from thinking about Jessica screaming as Maero unknowingly crushed her, body parts oozing and squelching
Hell yeah, who doesn't get a hard-on from crushing people with monstertrucks?