How the Saints Save Christmas DLC 12/11

Yeah, I noticed a few glitches as well.


When I had to jump up onto the roof to help CID, my Boss ended up jumping too high, landed on an invisible floor, and couldn't get down. I had to restart the mission from the last checkpoint to fix it.

And this is the second DLC that had no Johnny in it at all. Kind of a disappointment. (the images you see him in for the promotional material are literally the ONLY times you see him). I'm still trying to figure out if the 'Socks and Underwear' rewards is an actual thing, or if it's supposed to be something you can use/wear.

And I have to admit that after getting to the very end of Lick the Door, I laughed. However, I don't think everyone will find it as amusing as I did, so...
Anyone having zone glitches with HSCC, make sure that you have cleaned up all zones using Sandbox+ first (if you're using it.)
R + INSERT - Restore Virtual Steelport default zones (remove all mission zones caused by teleporting)
spoiler alert: this is a short dlc.
another spoiler alert: but its fucking AWESOME!!! the santa outfit is fully recolorable!!!! (i made a "bad santa" character!)
i played this all the way to the end. and i gotta say: this is miles better than etd ever was. while its short, whats there is fucking AMAZING!! i love all the references and how you can understand the boss not being holly jolly but by the end hes a better person. yeah its schmultzy, yah its silly, and stupid.... but by god it was BRILLIANT! and the unlockables werent just homie outfits. weapons, more outfits, and kickass vehicles. this truly is fucking sweet!
the ONLY bug i saw was that my switch powers button just stopped working. (the manual select with f1,f2,f3,f4 worked fine. )
wait... nevermind. i forgot i set the controls back to default. :p
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the DLC is crashing for me after the first major cutscene. any ideas? is it because my mods that are installed?

now it crashes after the short fireplace introduction, even earlier. am i not supposed to be able to play the DLC yet?
is it because my mods that are installed?

Is it? How are we supposed to know what mods you have installed?

Have you tried removing all of your mods and seeing if it works?
Yeah, I have restored default zones with the new version of sandbox+ and it was normal again.
I removed a few mods

Random Encounters
Easy Event Golds
Camera Zoom mod (makes camera Resident Evil-like)
And an Iron Saint Mod/skin

now it seems to be working.

the ultimate powers mods seem to be working well.
uhm... i think santa glitched while i was dicking around with him in the city.... i think i uhm.... hanged him on the railroad....
does this make me on the naughty list?
i hung santa!.png
Encountered an odd bug on the second mission. I was using the Dubstep gun (before I got the xmas version) and the sound got stuck playing the dubstep song even when I stopped using it. The song kept playing all the way to the end, and then continued playing when I was back on the crib ship. Had to exit and restart to get it to stop.

I'd avoid using that gun in that mission until you acquire the xmas version of it.