Ideas For Saints Row 4

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Do think they could bring back the car phoenix and make the police car challenger?

What you think about Donnie becoming a saint

he could be a saint
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i know how to bring evrybody back that was killed in sanits row 3.
make it that sr3 was a coma fantasy of the boss ( than the over the topness and weird villains would make sense i mean c mon emo nerds, mexican luchadors and soldiers with equepment from the future as ennemys ) this way gat and shaundi arent killed.
at the end of sr2 the boss exits the hellicopter at the airport .
he is trying to light a sigarette and then BAM! he gets runover by a bagage handler.
he wake s up a jear after sr2. he is suprised to see shaundi and gat at the side of his bed.
the first thing he abviously says: arent you guys dead?.
johneys response :what the fuck are you talking about ? you cant fucking kill johney gat he kills you. you should know that by now boss.
then shaundi comments about the fact that the boss his face is coverd with bandages(excuse to redo his face by image as desinged)
then they both comment that the ultor corparation is hunting them down for killing dane vogel and that they have remain low key because the gang is either in prison or killed by ultor ( why would ultor partner up with the saints after killing their ceo)
and then the tutorials starts

evry thing that war raichu says i want to exept maybe the superpowers i dont want them
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