Saints Row: The Third Kinzie's Toy Box Status (SRTT SDK)

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I just realized what you probably meant by "toy box". Lol
But if that is what you mean, I fail to see what that has to do with Kinzie.

You see, that is what us adults call a double entendre. An SDK is like a toy box so you can play with game's assets and have fun. Whee! The other meaning is, well, just watch Jon's video.
Oh, that makes sense now. Thanks.
Anyone else think the player character voice in that video (not sure which voice option it is in-game) sounds like Alyx from Half-Life 2?

EDIT: IdolNinja'd. :p I know what a double entendre is; I just didn't get it because I forgot about that scene.
Oh, that makes sense now. Thanks.
Anyone else think the player character voice in that video (not sure which voice option it is in-game) sounds like Alyx from Half-Life 2?

Please keep this on-topic about the SDK.
So, the finished SDK will have support for all of the SR:TT game formats?
Just can't wait for mesh support...
Its great that this is actually happening. Though I feel bad for you guys as the release of this is gonna start a brand new flood of clueless pirates asking stuff like 'why doesn't it work with my cracked version?" or "can you convert modx to work with my cracked version?" and the like.
Its great that this is actually happening. Though I feel bad for you guys as the release of this is gonna start a brand new flood of clueless pirates asking stuff like 'why doesn't it work with my cracked version?" or "can you convert modx to work with my cracked version?" and the like.

I welcome them with open arms and closed fists clenching the ban hammer. ;)
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