Saints Row IV Latest Steam patch for SRIV breaks weapons

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What major launch bugs? I mean I may be out of the loop but I keep seeing people mention these "major launch bugs" and I haven't seen anything like that. Maybe I am one of the few, but any of the posts I've seen here and on STEAM have been pretty small and non-game breaking?
Whoop, saved over my main save. Does anyone know if you can access older versions of saves via the Steam Cloud?

If all else fails, what's the feasibility of repairing a corrupt save?
What major launch bugs? I mean I may be out of the loop but I keep seeing people mention these "major launch bugs" and I haven't seen anything like that. Maybe I am one of the few, but any of the posts I've seen here and on STEAM have been pretty small and non-game breaking?
I gotta be honest, I'm puzzled on that one too. I waited until I beat the game and got like 97% completion before installing a single mod. Overall I only had one freeze up.
Oh I agree, but here's the score:

- An unfixed Inauguration Station.
- Saints Row 4 launch bugs (to be expected of course).
- Cheats for sale "DLC" pack (and here I was blaming THQ for that when the same happened for Saints Row 3, my mistake).
- Two overpriced minimum content DLC packs when the game has only been out a few days here in Europe.

- Releasing those DLC packs before fixing any major launch bugs.
- A patch that broke the game.
- A patch that failed to resolve the damage caused by the previous patch.

I really wanted give my support to Volition, but they seem to be doing their best to prevent me from doing so.

So yes, time will tell, but so far it doesn't look good.
- The inauguration Station worked perfectly for me.
- I had no Launchbugs o_O.
- Thats acceptable, it doesn't force you to buy them because they are optional.
- 'Overpriced' -> 2.22€
- Thats a point.
- Shit happens.
What major launch bugs? I mean I may be out of the loop but I keep seeing people mention these "major launch bugs" and I haven't seen anything like that. Maybe I am one of the few, but any of the posts I've seen here and on STEAM have been pretty small and non-game breaking?
Having to force shut down the game because the controls lock up in the game's menu system is one good example, it happens quite often too!

- The inauguration Station worked perfectly for me.
- I had no Launchbugs o_O.
- Thats acceptable, it doesn't force you to buy them because they are optional.
- 'Overpriced' -> 2.22€
- Thats a point.
- Shit happens.

It is pretty well known the Inauguration Station has some bugs that do need fixing.
Actually it is 2.99 euros for each of those packs, so that is five euros for so very little content.
I'm not trying to be negative because A) Volition makes fun games. B) I've had pretty good luck with games over all and not having major bugs. But don't dismiss people mentioning major bugs. SR4 (And only SR4) reboots my computer at random (No, it isn't heat and it shows you crash events in the Event log, so I can't really help them), nor should it be failing or bad hardware because my PC is in good condition, relatively new, and doesn't do so for any other games (I say shouldn't because there IS always that possibility, but the possibility seems low)... so I haven't been able to play the game which I was eagerly awaiting. That said, I'm not pitching a temper tantrum and people who are having other bugs, major and minor, should not either - Game design is complicated. Yes, it's a shame when major bugs ship, but it happens. All the same, some people ARE affected by major bugs, so don't dismiss what they say just because you are not.
Well, considering its just made as a demo prior to the game release I don't think thats much of a priority? As for the menus locking up, still not game breaking. I'm in a little over 40hrs of play and that issue only happened to me once but I did not even have to force exit, I merely hit back with my mouse since I use an X-Box controller. As per price, they feel it is worth $2.99. You don't have to buy it. There will be plenty of sites selling it cheaper in a few months to a year.
Not to mention if this is anything like 3, you can get the total package for like... $5 or something with all DLC at some point, so I mean you could just wait it out?
this is still not a MAJOR bug is all I'm saying. It hasn't been able to be forced so while it may be an issue for some you have what, 10-12 people in that thread? maybe less? Not really game breaking is all I'm getting at. Every game has launch bugs but like I said there weren't any that kept 90% of the people from playing.

I got this yesterday in my gameplay time, exactly as described in the first post. Exiting to the main menu and re-loading my latest save got me around the bug, but I haven't the faintest what caused it to occur.

If anyone gets a more reproducible case (more detail than just an "it happened to me too" at least), post here and I'll attempt to force the issue while attached to a debugger.

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