Saints Row IV Latest Steam patch issues

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Well, Volition says they're hopeful that saves won't be broken either way. I believe them over you.

Thank you for sharing. Anything else I should be arsed to give a damn about? Geez.

Well by the looks of it we'll be waiting a while, so I might as well look into downgrading the game myself. I miss the days when you could set the date on your PC a few days back to get old software updates...
Thank you for sharing. Anything else I should be arsed to give a damn about? Geez.

Well by the looks of it we'll be waiting a while, so I might as well look into downgrading the game myself. I miss the days when you could set the date on your PC a few days back to get old software updates...

Discussion is healthy, even if it's negative. What's not is showing disrespect to other members of this community just because they have a differing opinion. Drop the attitude.
Yeah, i'm unclear as to whether the issue can occur now, in new games, but at the very least some people's saves did get messed up a bit.
I imagine it can't be easy to fix this, because once the save is in a state where the weapon unlocks are incorrect, it's got to be a devilish task to try to figure out from other evidence what their correct state should be.

Zactly! So I'd say ppl -- including me -- are right to be cautious. I have no intention, whatsoever, having to unlock those 34 stores again! :)
Discussion is healthy, even if it's negative. What's not is showing disrespect to other members of this community just because they have a differing opinion. Drop the attitude.

I have nothing against his opinion, what I have something against is him making things personal...

But you have a point, I should use the Ignore feature more often.
I have nothing against his opinion, what I have something against is him making things personal...
It wasn't anything personal. I don't know you. I would not agree with the opinion of any stranger telling me that a fix was not happening, over that of a giant company whose profits rest on satisfying their customer, who are actively assuring us they're working on a fix.
This forum is totally a chilled out paradise compared to what's going on over on the Steam forum.

But to be fair, for some odd reason, no one from DS or V seem to want to create a stickied thread over there claiming the issue is being worked on. I think Pew posted something on one of the threads but it got buried under about a 150 posts. DS is using Twitter to update people but they seem to forget that while Twitter has a lot of members, its primarily a teen thing. Heh, I just imagined how amusing Twitter and Facebook would have been had they come out in the 80's when the valley girl thing was hip. There'd just be millions, "like 4 sure like totally gag me with a spoon" posts.
Hmm.... its now past Germany morning time... I hope that they will be able to resolve the hitch before the start of Labor Day Weekend in the US.
I just woke up and came here to check if there's any news. (From the UK) Sad to see people gettin' antzy with eachother.

I am 80% sure my save game was made before the bug happened, but my autosave will need deleting. I'll just keep swinging by here and @DSVolition on twitter.

I too was wondering if starting a new game now would be ok or if I'd run into trouble, but hell I figured I'll play Saints Row the Third again while I wait for official word. I'm sure Volition are sorry this has happened, they've said that. I remember watching the Live streams in the run up to SRIV's release, they don't seem like guys who wanna 'screw over' anyone or like they don't care.
i've started a new coop game with a friend after the bug came out and that's been 100% fine. and knobby said that the savefile will probably work fine after the fix arrives too, but he wasn't 100% sure
Actually what the patch broke? I just launch my game for the first time after the patch and all I see is one or two weapons went missing from Friendly Fire.
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