Saints Row IV Latest Steam patch issues

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Actually what the patch broke? I just launch my game for the first time after the patch and all I see is one or two weapons went missing from Friendly Fire.

Two would be correct. The pre-order 'Merica, and I'm guessing the other is the Recifer if you have the Season Pass.

You might have also noticed a few duplicate SMG's and rifles unless you started a new game.
I lost all my unlocked weapons, like inflatoray and energy sword... and I can't buy a 'Merica... in their place I was able to get a "Laser Arm" weapon but when I use it, there is no gun on my character. The rifle section of my Friendly Fires is full of the gun that looks like an M-4 instead of having the burst shot one and the alien one...

Also my character can set on fire even though she has the immunity upgrade, there's just lots of little things wrong. My save is at 93%

EDIT: And my SMG styled into Robocop's Auto-9 was back in the shop for £100 even though I bought it. When I bought it again, it was fully upgraded... so at least it remembered THAT! lol
I found I have 2 dubstep gun, one of my rifle animation seem broken, the Merica gun is missing like everyone else and I think 1 of my shotgun got removed and need to buy again.

Notice the alien RPG and tantacle bat went missing from Friendly Fire as well.
I found I have 2 dubstep gun, one of my rifle animation seem broken, the Merica gun is missing like everyone else and I think 1 of my shotgun got removed and need to buy again.

Notice the alien RPG and tantacle bat went missing from Friendly Fire as well.

Not always. Exactly which weapons go missing varies from save to save. On one of mine, the Thumpgun went missing. On another, all explosive and special weapons. On the 3rd, my SMG's and the sinper rifle.

DLC weapons seem to get instantly removed on all save games, but you can re-obtain them.
So am I only person who still has the 'merica gun?

The only thing I'm missing is the TF2 Flamethrower (still have the TF2 RPG skin however).
So am I only person who still has the 'merica gun?

The only thing I'm missing is the TF2 Flamethrower (still have the TF2 RPG skin however).
no. i have all my weapons too. but weapon upgrades wont save. :(
Hmm, getting ever-so slightly worried now. It's past 3 PM here (I'm in same TZ as Germany): a wee beyond 'morning.' Only 2 hours left until business hours close.
Can we get some sort of update? it's now friday already. People are worried if it's not fixed today it won't be fixed until tuesday because of the long weekend. we need some kind of update with a hard confirmed time, if they were on final testing yesterday.
Hmm, getting ever-so slightly worried now. It's past 3 PM here (I'm in same TZ as Germany): a wee beyond 'morning.' Only 2 hours left until business hours close.
it's 8:30am where volition is, so they're just getting to work. i think whoever said "morning german time" didn't know what they were talking about. the patches are put out by volition, not deep silver, iirc. don't give up hope yet. i know it's worrying, but theres still quite a few hours left(10-12 to be exact) before the long weekend starts.
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