SPOILERS Least favorite thing in the game?

Store hacking, just sucked if you got stuck and decided to go to a different store it would be THE EXACT SAME SETUP forcing you to sit there, unable to exit, and then you just fail, have to go get a golden CID, and try again.

I loved the Store hacking, but I guess thats because I love pipe puzzles.

Didn't have trouble with a single puzzle.

I don't know why, but I always find it easier to solve the puzzles backwards
My main problems are....

1. The repetitive tasks that really hurt replay value, how many times do I want collect all the clusters, climb towers and hack all the stores? skip those and the game time is shortened drastically.

2. The overuse of visual effects from the annoying "glitches" to the ridiculous levels of crap on the screen that leaves the player unable to see anything, those anti superpower grenades being the work of the devil.

3. The superpowers, like cheats they're fun to start with but get old pretty quickly.

4. The lack of end game, it really needs something like SR2's pushbacks or SR3's random phone calls.

I hope I'm not coming across as too negative, I do really like the game and if I stopped playing tomorrow I would feel I've had my moneys worth.
2. The overuse of visual effects from the annoying "glitches" to the ridiculous levels of crap on the screen that leaves the player unable to see anything, those anti superpower grenades being the work of the devil.

There's a mod that eliminates the anti-powers grenades. Also, if you want to toggle powers, get Sandbox+ by Idolninja.
There's a mod that eliminates the anti-powers grenades. Also, if you want to toggle powers, get Sandbox+ by Idolninja.

I've already installed the grenade mod, I had to. If I'm playing late at night I have to have to light off because the PC is in the bedroom and the Mrs is in bed, the sudden bright whiteness actually hurts my eyes. The superpowers thing isn't so straightforward, the game is designed around them, in certain situations you have no choice but to use them, I would have preferred them not to be there in there in first place, fighting Zynyak without them would have been so much better. I disliked SR3 greatly but replaying it now I'm enjoying it a lot more purely because there are no superpowers.
My last step was to disable the annoying hacking minigame, but then i was in the game and it was boring from hell. I need no end game, because when i reach the end, i replay a good game. I remember Saints Row 2, that i have played for maybe much more than 1000 hours on XBox and PC, i made one playthrough after the other without any pause and i have saves with more than 70 hours(with DLC). But in SR4, i'm feeling like in a nightmare of an endless minigame collection.
Then, i tried to replay SR3, but it was more boring and an ugly game. I mean, SR2 was an ugly game too, but it had a good soul, and so i wasn't angry at all about crashes, gliches and other things like the lack of AA on XBox. I mean, one of the good points in SR4 is the endless night, because you can't see how ugly this game is in fact, with trees, that are even ways inferior than the vanilla trees in Fallout 3(release 2008).
To the times of SR2, i was proud to be a Saints Row Fan and i loved the wars in the forums about GTA4 <> Saints Row 2. I knew it, that Saints Row 2 was a way better game than GTA4, it was a real GTA killer, even in gameplay quality, it wasn't only a more funny GTA4.
But today, i have prepurchased GTA5, because Volition has destroyed the brand like they did with Red Faction: Armageddon. SR3+4 are the end of world for Saints Row, it's even not worth to mod it aynmore, because you can only remove some boring things from the game, but you can't add a good soul.
My last step was to disable the annoying hacking minigame, but then i was in the game and it was boring from hell. I need no end game, because when i reach the end, i replay a good game.

See that theory held in Saints Row 2 and to a lesser extent in Saints Row: TT because you were just a dude, and how you interacted with the game at the start was more or less how you were doing it at the in. By contrast most of SRIV is about unlocking your full suite of abilities, so it becomes self defeating to at the point that you unlock them all to have to restart from scratch for a continuing challenge.
  • There were nowhere near enough story missions; the loyalty missions were OK, and the actual story missions themselves were fun, but in total it felt like the story was about as long as Trouble with Clones + Gangstas in Space put together. (I'm curious to see how the Enter the Dominatrix DLC stacks up.)
  • Replay value is meh at best, precisely because the game is so similar to SR3.
  • Some of the VAs' accents were really not very good. The southern belle one left me cold, Asha's purported RP always makes me grit my teeth (not helped by the bug that her last log gets played upon continuing), etc.
  • And PC-specifically: I've got 8G of memory in my not-very-new machine, I want to be able to have more clothing, more cars on the street, more pedestrians, etc.
The thing that disappoints me the most in the game are the customization limitations imposed upon us PC users thanks to the technical limits of current gen consoles.

I changed my mind, folks, my least favorite thing in the game is the pixelization effect. Soon after completing the game I had to find a mod that turns it off. Luckily, there is one.

It wouldn't be so aggravating if it didn't proc so goddamn often. It seems that everything in the game pixelizes every 5 seconds or so. Thank Odin for mods.
Tank Mayhem and Genki's M.O.M on hard. They SUCK BALLS !
annoyingly part of the last mission when you had to defend the doorways.
word of advice: DONT use explosives or your superpowers if they are fully upgraded. itll damage them severely.
that and the random freezing on pc and consoles.... like... it locks up at almost pure random and the only way to exit it is to close the process via task maneger... but... minor gripes aside... this is a wonderful game. :3