SPOILERS Least favorite thing in the game?

I have 60 hours on the game, and I find screwing around is just as fun as it was in 2, though the warden fights got really dull quickly.

Well, I managed to pull 100 hours on SRTT with mucking about and going with a zombie voiced replay (sort of sad it wasn't in SRIV), but as I said: I'm used to really MASSIVE content that basicly means I can muck about in so many different ways that it's actually rare for me to ever finish the main story line because there is just so much other stuff to do. And in that department SRIV is lacking, there's really only one thing to muck about with and that does get stale, especially if there is zero character interaction. There's nothing left to explore, and save for one you can't pretend there are any secrets in the game to find either.
Well, I managed to pull 100 hours on SRTT with mucking about and going with a zombie voiced replay (sort of sad it wasn't in SRIV), but as I said: I'm used to really MASSIVE content that basicly means I can muck about in so many different ways that it's actually rare for me to ever finish the main story line because there is just so much other stuff to do. And in that department SRIV is lacking, there's really only one thing to muck about with and that does get stale, especially if there is zero character interaction. There's nothing left to explore, and save for one you can't pretend there are any secrets in the game to find either.
Try adding multiple main-saints contacts to your party to get a lil' extra ;) (For example VC + Old Shaundi)
Well, other than various bugs...

Platforming rifts. I was never good at platforming games and it took me many tries to just get Bronze in these two. Part of my issue might have been that my Super Jump was too "super" by the time I did them.
Speed rifts. I managed Silver on one of them, but I have no idea how.

Both could be related to that I'm not a very good player. o_O Or I just need more practice.

My least favorite thing is when they blew up earth. too dark for the damn storyline.
I second this. It's bothering me more than it probably should.
I think what's key about platforming rifts is to not charge up superjump fully everytime as it just wastes time. You just need to practice your sprint+jumping and judging the horizontal distances you need to cover. If you come up short on a jump, airdash midair to compensate and push backwards (S) to not overshoot it either.

I personally dislike speed rifts but I got over it when I got better. What I really hate is how a ton of things were omitted from the final game, like clothing & weapons, and I think the game should've had alot more 'superhero' themed clothing to go with the powers.
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Sorry to go off topic,mbut what? Blowing up Earth is too dark for SR? In SR2 a mans face got dragged around the city, a woman was crushed by Monster Trucks, and another man got half his face burned off by acid!
SR is supposed to be dark, it's why (story wise) 3 was horrible, it's supposed to be black comedy, not Disney comedy.
It's pretty upbeat all things considered. We know there's a lot of folks who survived like Jane Valderama, Zack and Bobby, and a bunch of others abducted during the invasion. Plus all those historical homies like Jane Austen.

It's kind of hard for me to get a depressing vibe from the ending when the whole universe, past, present and future, is now open to the Saints. Not fixing the Earth because they're too busy blowing stuff up with Attila the Hun or saving mythological creatures on Noah's ark is exactly the kind of stuff I'd expect the Saints to be doing.

I'd like some DLC follow up, but hell, it's better than ME3's before the director's cut.
I've liked the game a lot, and overall I like it better than 3 (the series entry I started on). My main complaints are:
  • Wardens suck, big time. I don't like their shielding, I don't like that you can't melee them at all, and I hate the quick time event at the end. This game borrowed a lot from Hluk: Ultimate Destruction, I felt (which si awesome) so I wish they could have made mini-boss fights as cool as that game. Hulkbusters were never a dull fight.
  • Anti-power grenades: I don't mind challenges, but this doesn't feel like a challenge to me, it just makes fighting less fun.
  • Guns seemed a bit underpowered, and they really should have been usable in the air. Would have completed the Matrix feel for sure.
  • The end game is too empty.
That's mostly it. A lot fo teh game is very fun, the story is much better than SRTT, and I really liked the villain too. The moment I heard Zinyak and Valdorama recite Romeo and Juliette was when I knew I loved this game for sure. Plus, Johnny Gat was awesome too. Its a rare thing when I applaud a retcon.
I hate Rifts. Platforming Rifts most of all, as I got the hang of the others a bit more quickly. When I saw the last target area of the Hard TK Rift I just kinda stared blankly, trying to discern if this was Volition's idea of a cruel joke.

Then I saw the 'Fly an alien ship around for five straight hours' challenge.