oh, sorry... anyway, EPs is short for Expansion Packs, and I never got the customize any vehicle or heli thing to workYou're not allowed to have the DLC vehicles without buying them, and this forum doesn't allow discussion of ways to get them.
oh, sorry... anyway, EPs is short for Expansion Packs, and I never got the customize any vehicle or heli thing to workYou're not allowed to have the DLC vehicles without buying them, and this forum doesn't allow discussion of ways to get them.
AM I SEEING DOUBLE??? seriously what up with this????
where i circled it is where the actually thing is, the other one is just the building's outside/casing
View attachment 861View attachment 860
You're not allowed to have the DLC vehicles without buying them, and this forum doesn't allow discussion of ways to get them. I don't know what "EPs" is, so i might be way off from what you meant, sorry about that if so.
Now, I preferred to make my own purple/orange/black STAG vtol with the customize-any-vehicle and helis-as-boats mods. It's a recolor of the Cyrus variant, because that gets a dark, glossy color, whereas the white vtol gets a lighter, flatter texture when you color it.
I have a thing for magenta, too.
Me Used The Gentlemen Of Steelport,But Is Crashed My Game At Loading,I Play New Game.But Still Crashed,What Happened To My Game?Using the Gentlemen of Steelport versions of them is very simple. You just turn them on, in the custom GoS creator.
is there a mod to get it in the game, without EPs
Me Used The Gentlemen Of Steelport,But Is Crashed My Game At Loading,I Play New Game.But Still Crashed,What Happened To My Game?
And I Uninstall The mod,The Game Back To Normal.
I am very sorry. I wasn't thinking, "paid content" at the momentOur rules quite clearly state:
"No piracy - including DLC piracy. This is a permaban on first offense."
Any further requests to enable paid content or discussion on how to circumvent restrictions via mods will result in an immediate and permanent ban.