New Homies

oh asome i wish i could be able to look at this list of charterers and see what you all are talking about like this and that charterer is on a list and mark dlc i would think by now someone on saints row mods site made a forum and listed the charterers that are marked and not marked for dlc and well at least i know i heard viola and now dan vogal as mark for dlc. and that tells me the two missions packs are not the last ones yay because they give a dlc that gives you those chrecters with missions to unlock them and stuff like how you got zimos and josh birk. if there is a forum that has a list of charterers marked for dlc and all i am happy to wanting to see it because i have no clue on how to look in the sr4 files and stuff to find the file that has the list because i am no modder.
@colyn16 Lin and Sharp I believe are the other two homies that are marked as a dlc. That's it for now and there won't be anymore dlc missions to be made so most likely there will be a homies pack as a dlc.
We don't know that for sure they had 3 to 4 missions packs on sr3 and they got way more ideas they can do as for missions with sr4 because of the simulation and aliens and president and stuff like that endless ideas i mean they said sr4 is going to be more crazier then sr3 yah that is for sure and have way more dlc then sr3 .and if they find a way to put these homies in mission packs then will have a story how there brought back and will practically have every chrecter in the saints row universe in sr4 and then sr4 will keep people entertained until sr5 in 2015 .
We don't know that for sure they had 3 to 4 missions packs on sr3 and they got way more ideas they can do as for missions with sr4 because of the simulation and aliens and president and stuff like that endless ideas i mean they said sr4 is going to be more crazier then sr3 yah that is for sure and have way more dlc then sr3 .and if they find a way to put these homies in mission packs then will have a story how there brought back and will practically have every chrecter in the saints row universe in sr4 and then sr4 will keep people entertained until sr5 in 2015 .
V reached the memory limit with HTSSC and had to cut several things.
i would think volition would be able to expand it i mean its not like they can be set only to a certain limit or something while there releaseing dlc i would think they be able to expand it with patchs and stuff just because xbox360 made it so they alot of stuff was limited doesnt mean the pc has to suffer.
i would think volition would be able to expand it i mean its not like they can be set only to a certain limit or something while there releaseing dlc i would think they be able to expand it with patchs and stuff just because xbox360 made it so they alot of stuff was limited doesnt mean the pc has to suffer.
No, V sets equal limits for all platforms, including PC. By the way, when developers port a game to PC, they have quite an obstacle, because the variety in PCs is so big. They have to find an average between the worst PCs and the best PCs for games, which is not too easy, but devs also have to keep in mind what the limitations for consoles are, and count those in aswell. The only way we'd be able to expand those limits is with the coming SDK.
Forum Rules Basic Posting Common Sense said:
7. DO make an effort to use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation to the best of your ability. We understand that some of our user base has English as a second language, but at least try and make an effort; this means capitalizing the first letter of sentences, using punctuation, not substituting numbers instead of letters (2 instead of too,) not posting in all lower or upper case, etc.
No, V sets equal limits for all platforms, including PC. By the way, when developers port a game to PC, they have quite an obstacle, because the variety in PCs is so big. They have to find an average between the worst PCs and the best PCs for games, which is not too easy, but devs also have to keep in mind what the limitations for consoles are, and count those in aswell. The only way we'd be able to expand those limits is with the coming SDK.
Ok and i do try to use my punchtuation and spelling the best i can i dont have the greatest grammer and stuff.and thank you all for your responses to my questions and stuff.