NPC behaviour and spawn mod

Im using this mod currently and love the new ped behavior makes the city feel alive again. Is anyone else noticing that the cars we drive are super fast though? seems to me that they are almost uncontrollable now they move so quick, the only 2 mods I have the affect vehicles are this mod and the one by idolninja to delete vehicles. I am also using the remove tutorial lua and joes tacticool weapons though I think those wont affect the cars. It must be either the ped mod or the delete vehicles mod.
Just wondering but from playing it more, is it possible that when a collision takes place it give the player some kind of boost to the speed? seems vehicles after hitting a car get a torque boost. Is it possible the behavior for this is one of the files and is linked to the aggression?
Thanks for confirming that it doesnt make vehicles faster, I noticed the behavior recently but maybe it was always like that. Love the mod found protestors at my building calling Shaundi a whore, a few bricks of c4 fixed that! thanks for all the fun and your hard work!
I've gone through every .xtbl in your mod and the only one giving me any trouble is spawn_info_ranks.xtbl, which causes my game to stop responding after loading my save from the main menu. Not sure how to go about figuring out why. Any ideas?
I had it installed at a LAN party some time ago, and we were able to LAN but I never took it off. Now I'm playing through the single-player. I have payed full price for the past two games, if that makes any difference.

Would pirated software be to blame for this error?
I had it installed at a LAN party some time ago, and we were able to LAN but I never took it off. Now I'm playing through the single-player. I have payed full price for the past two games, if that makes any difference.

Would pirated software be to blame for this error?

If you have the pirated version,the mods will not work.You need to have the legit version of SRTT.
I had it installed at a LAN party some time ago, and we were able to LAN but I never took it off. Now I'm playing through the single-player. I have payed full price for the past two games, if that makes any difference.

Would pirated software be to blame for this error?

Yes. Most mods here will have problems with anything other than the fully patched Steam version (which is the only legal way to play the game.)

Taking a look at your integrated Steam profile, I can see that you do own SRTT so I'm going to let this slide. We have very strict rules here regarding piracy, so I would strongly suggest using your legal version of the game if you would like to continue to be a member here.
Every game is pirated and Im glad they dont put silly DRM on Saints row the third. Pirates make games work by recoding the exe's to remove cd checks or any number of tricks. Its easily evident with Rockstar and Max Payne, in fact even the legit version on steam uses the pirated exe, the groups logo is right there in the exe and on the steam version its just blanked out. In the Alan Wake games released recently the devs instead of silly DRM put in code that when the game is run pirated the startup screen asks the player to support the game and the main character has an eyepatch, haha. Be great to see SRTT do something like give the player a hook hand so they cant dual weld, of course its going to get pirated but supporting the developer if people like the game is whats most important and Alan Wake definitely found the best way to encourage the people who pirated the game if they liked it to go support the dev by buying it.