NPC behaviour and spawn mod

That all depends. If someone immediately deletes a post like that then I usually just ignore it and let it go. I, myself, have written some replies that I have thought better of and then deleted or rephrased them. If it's an ongoing problem with a user then I might PM that person or warn them privately. And yes, I have seen some of your deleted posts where you weren't very nice. ;)

At any rate, let's please keep this thread focused on the actual mod itself rather than a discussion of how we moderate the forum.
  1. That's why I deleted them. My imperfection is that I am writing something first and after that I am thinking about that, what I wrote. You know, nobody is perfect. ;)
  2. So, about NPC Behaviour mod, I must say you did very good job, Shitface! Now I can found on streets tigers, skinballs or question marks! :D
This update doesn't do much except for getting rid of the EMT pedestrians with white jackets, I found them to be a bit repetitive. Also, construction crews actually do something now:

This update doesn't do much except for getting rid of the EMT pedestrians with white jackets, I found them to be a bit repetitive. Also, construction crews actually do something now:

I thank you bro for your good work on this mod.;)

I noticed that there are now many more dancing groups throughout Steelport.

There is one particular location in The Grove that has three dancing NPCs plus another NPC vomiting.

Did you add that ActionNode to that location or was it already there and you enabled it ?

Would it be possible to make ALL dancing NPCs Stripper girls
or at least at that location ?

When a female stripper rarely spawns at that location, she is dancing, but when I
walk towards her to get a closer view, she stops and walks away.:(

Is there a way to keep her dancing like the Luchadores and cops ?
( the Luchadores and cops keep on dancing when I get near them )

The majority of the NPCs dancing at this location are Luchadores and Cops.
When I first seen those dancing Luchies, I couldn't stop laughing. lol:p

Do you know what animation those dancers are using ?
Is it possible to make the Player Character use that animation ?

Keep up the good work there bro, it just keeps getting better every time you update.:cool:
This mod doesn't add or remove any action nodes from the map, it's impossible to do that right now. I just modified them to make NPCs use them easily and more frequently. It would be possible to make all dancing NPCs strippers, just edit its entry in action_node_npcs.xtbl, change the required NPCs to strippers, and change <spawn_only> from false to true. However, changing action node npcs can sometimes fuck up the game, so watch out for that. If you want NPCs to be unable to exit an action node, just add "<Never_Exit>True</Never_Exit>" and "<Can_Not_Exit>True</Can_Not_Exit>" to its entry in action_node_npcs. As for the animations, I believe some of the ones civilians use are exclusive to that team, in the same way rollerblader animations work.
It would be possible to make all dancing NPCs strippers, just edit its entry in action_node_npcs.xtbl, change the required NPCs to strippers, and change <spawn_only> from false to true. However, changing action node npcs can sometimes fuck up the game, so watch out for that. If you want NPCs to be unable to exit an action node, just add "<Never_Exit>True</Never_Exit>" and "<Can_Not_Exit>True</Can_Not_Exit>" to its entry in action_node_npcs. As for the animations, I believe some of the ones civilians use are exclusive to that team, in the same way rollerblader animations work.

Thanks for the guidance there bro.:)

Here is what I did in the action_node_npcs.xtbl
Changes are in BLUE Added lines are in RED
<Category>Action Node NPCs</Category>
<Animation_State>dance a</Animation_State>
<Animation_State>dance b</Animation_State>
<Animation_State>dance c</Animation_State>
<Animation_State>dance d</Animation_State>


Does the code above look OK ?

I'm going to see if it works in the game.
I will let you know.
I recall reading that it's impossible to make ocean and airport traffic due to lacking the appropriate code, but is it possible to spawn boats out in the middle of the ocean to make it look at least somewhat alive out there? Maybe some fishing boats in most places, a yacht near downtown, and the occasional police boat.