Sandbox+ for SRTT

I use my flatmate's steam account cause he has SR:TT and I'm free to install mods on his version, so I'm talking about his version, not mine, he just told me, "It's your problem."
So yeah. I'm talking bout it logged in on my account that DOES NOT have SR:TT.
That arsehole......

Pirates love to make up the craziest stories to try and justify getting help with problems. We have seen so many outrageous excuses and outright lies over the years that it would make your head spin. So, I'll make this easy. If you don't want to be banned, then you will simply need to link this mythical roommate's Steam account to your forum account instead of yours. I'll give you a day. The clock is ticking.
Welp, I'm fucked.
Don't worry, I'll delete my YarrHarr'd version. I got a checkout for the Full Package ready on Amazon.

Yep. Liar. A blind man could have seen that one coming.

Do you really think anyone believes you about buying it now? I sure don't. Enjoy your ban.
Today finally tried Sandbox+... its EPIC...
and btw, this story with pirate reminded me how i myself saw this game... firts game completion on both parts i maded on pirated versions, liked that games so much, and bought legal ones :)
These pirates are making my day each time :rolleyes:!

They are like the funniest people I have ever seen, haha!

*Sorry for being off-topic*
wanna ask some question, i'm using mac when play saint row but still in windows os. keyboard is differents there is no home,page up,blala button. can i change the setting button when use command list?
wanna ask some question, i'm using mac when play saint row but still in windows os. keyboard is differents there is no home,page up,blala button. can i change the setting button when use command list?

The OP has a link on how to change the input buttons for non-standard keyboards.