Sandbox+ for SRTT

how to use superpowers??i toggled it but the powerball is not coming out

What 1instance was trying to say is that you need to own the Trouble with Clones DLC for the superpowers to work correctly. This is noted in the readme itself and is a common question that does keep coming up. So, do you own it?

then how to own the goddamn trouble with clones dlc??

You buy it from Steam, just like you bought the game itself. You did buy a legal version of SRTT, right?

This probably isn't going to end well. *sigh
What 1instance was trying to say is that you need to own the Trouble with Clones DLC for the superpowers to work correctly. This is noted in the readme itself and is a common question that does keep coming up. So, do you own it?

To answer your other question, you buy it from Steam, just like you bought the game itself. You did buy a legal version of SRTT, right?

This probably isn't going to end well. *sigh

Now, just be honest with yourself, what else did you expect? ;)
Now, just be honest with yourself, what else did you expect? ;)

I always hope for the best in situations like this, but do brace myself for the worst.
I always hope for the best in situations like this, but do brace myself for the worst.

And the sad part is, most of the time it is "the worst". But I better stop spamming the thread and keep it on-topic.
First of, love this mod! Second, i got a litle disappointed when I tried out the "Decker Sepcialist speed skating and animations" because i could only use melee weapons while it was active. Is there a way to change this so I can use all weapons, specially the Shock hammer, while in the mode?

Any help and/or respond would be much appreciated.:)
First of, love this mod! Second, i got a litle disappointed when I tried out the "Decker Sepcialist speed skating and animations" because i could only use melee weapons while it was active. Is there a way to change this so I can use all weapons, specially the Shock hammer, while in the mode?

Any help and/or respond would be much appreciated.:)

There are no weapon restrictions at all with that command, and the shock hammer works fine. I've used it while testing. I'm not sure why you're having trouble with it. Do you have any other weapon mods installed?