Sandbox+ for SRTT

When im remote/client/whatever, and the other host does it, It says to me "UNRECONIZED HASH VALUE"

Yes, that's normal. Did the host actually turn on the command so it works for both players? i.e. the one I quoted you in my previous post? If he does not do that then they will only work for the host and not you. Be aware that the remote player will never be able to actually use keyboard shortcuts. Only the host can.
could you add a command that lets you activate the streaking diversion at anytime, just something I thought of a long while back, seeing as there is no way to change clothes "on the fly"
could you add a command that lets you activate the streaking diversion at anytime, just something I thought of a long while back, seeing as there is no way to change clothes "on the fly"

An option to just remove all clothes would work, right? I'm pretty sure you can start it from anywhere as long as your naked.
An option to just remove all clothes would work, right? I'm pretty sure you can start it from anywhere as long as your naked.
true, but then I have to go back to a shop or crib to get dress again, dodging gunfire in my birthday-suit kinda breaks my immersion(can't stop laughing), and I think you said there is no way to make a command for equipping player made outfits right?
true, but then I have to go back to a shop or crib to get dress again, dodging gunfire in my birthday-suit kinda breaks my immersion(can't stop laughing), and I think you said there is no way to make a command for equipping player made outfits right?

The only thing the clothing functions can do is equip predefined outfits that are in the game already, and not custom ones created by the player. There is a parameter that remembers what you were wearing, but that seems to only work within missions and not in the open world. The only way I can make your request work is to remove all clothing. I can't initiate streaking otherwise.
This is pretty cool, about all I'd use personally is the music one, because it sucks running around with no music. ^^ thanks.

Then again is there a mod that just enables my mixtape to play at all times?