Sandbox+ for SRTT

Crap, you are right, I had my head on backwards, :confused: lol.

Did you not answer my first question because you don't have an answer? Or is it because my head being screwed on wrong caused you to correct me instead of answering?
Or, it could be you just didn't have time. In any case, it is your mod, your work, and your right to say something about it or not.

Commencing operation "Quit bugging Idolninja" lol.
Hi, it has been a long time i didn't post. Question: Is there a way for us to make a brute the player without having to flag the character for actions to be effective?
Hi, it has been a long time i didn't post. Question: Is there a way for us to make a brute the player without having to flag the character for actions to be effective?

If I knew that it would already be implemented.
I'm not see nocturne sword if i in decker team and got on rollerblader animations.Can you help me?

It shouldn't affect the sword mesh in any way. I'll test and confirm sometime this week. In the meantime if anyone else could confirm that this is an actual bug that would be great.
It's something from the engine. Deckers use a special melee attack and it affects the player's melee if you have a Decker sword in your inventory. I guess the same counts for if you have a Decker Rockethammer, but I'm not sure.
But to make it invisible? That's just weird. Plus, I could have sworn that I remember dragging it along the ground just like the rocket hammer when I tested it back in the 1.0 release.
The invisible sword should only count for the actual Decker melee attack. Further you can drag it behind you.
If that's the case then it may just simply need a set of animations added for the nocturne entry in the rollerblader anim table.
Since it seems that Sandbox+ uses my rolelrblader.xtbl (upgraded by gameqube if memory serves) I might drop my few cents as well. I've tested this bug just seconds ago and I must admit - I'm quite surprised. It looks like change of player's team do Deckers:
a) swaps Nocturne sword-slash animation to that used by Deckers grunts (why it does that, it's beyond me ) and
b) disables Rockethammer jump-attack - again, for no apparent reason.
Animations in other teams work just fine. That makes me believe that this anomally is almost certainly not caused by XTBL or LUA. What's even more interesting is that weapon magically dissapears while Boss performs the attack. If it was just an animation loosing "attaching points" (or whatever this thing is called) shouldn't it automtically start to hover mid-air?
Fun fact nr 3 is that forcing main character to use PLYM animations after calling set_team() function in sr3_city.lua isn't helpful either. And I don't recall there being a "Decker's Nocturne slash" animation available for playable characters (I might we wrong though). Since I'm pretty much exhausted for today, I'll try to give this bug a closer look tomorrow.

If that's the case then it may just simply need a set of animations added for the nocturne entry in the rollerblader anim table.
That would made sense. I believe there is a mod floating around this board that makes the Decker's sword anims available for player, so that could been pretty helpfull.