Shitface & Fan of Saints' Expanded Arsenal Mod

No, I like to keep new mod content out, like weapons and vehicles. The only mods I use are tweaking and fixing mods. Please separate them!

How boring. Seeing as all of the tweaks and new weapon entries are contained within the same files, separating them would be a massive undertaking that I really just don't care enough to do. Take it or leave it. You're crazy to not want 10+ highly polished new weapons in your game, though.
How insulting! The other guns aren't good enough for you?!

If you want to use only certain weapons, it won't be easy. You will need to copy the changes and new entries from the ammo, effects, explosions, items_inventory, store_weapons, weapons, weapon_costumes, weapon_upgrades, and tweak_table .xtbl files to whatever modified .xtbl files you are currently using. Keep in mind that if items_inventory goes over 170 entries your game will crash when you access your weapon cache or store menu.

Thanks for the info, now I know which files to look into.;)

How insulting! The other guns aren't good enough for you?!

Actually, all of the guns, all of your work and all of your mods are exceedingly excellent.:cool:
I meant no offense and did not intend to insult or imply such. ( sorry if you got that impression ):oops:
I was just wondering if it was possible to extract only the RC gun and satchel charges from the mod and inquired to your modding expertise.

Please understand that I consider you to be one of the top 3 modders here and I have all of your "SF" ( Super Funtastic )
mods installed and play them at least 4 times a week.:p
One of the many good things about you is your extraordinary pursuit for perfection and updating your fine work
with new versions of your mods that greatly improves the "SF" factor.;)
I look forward to checking out each new SF mod version and even if they are numerous ( and it doesn't matter to me even if it were hundreds )
I download them and install them knowing that if SF ( may I address/call you SF ? ) took the time to upload a new mod version, it is well worth it and it's always better.
( just when you thought it couldn't get any better, SF always makes it so ):D:cool:

Thanks for all your SF mods and fine work that is very much appreciated by me and thousands of the Saints Row series players worldwide.:D
How boring. Seeing as all of the tweaks and new weapon entries are contained within the same files, separating them would be a massive undertaking that I really just don't care enough to do. Take it or leave it. You're crazy to not want 10+ highly polished new weapons in your game, though.

Well, if I'm gonna have the weapons in my game, do you know approximately when they'll be finished? Visually, they look bad. Functionally, they're great.
Well, if I'm gonna have the weapons in my game, do you know approximately when they'll be finished? Visually, they look bad. Functionally, they're great.
Actually they are finished. There's nothing more to do until the SDK is released*.
*Well, we're going to add one new weapon - the Glitch Gun - and improve upgrades but that's all.
Well, if I'm gonna have the weapons in my game, do you know approximately when they'll be finished? Visually, they look bad. Functionally, they're great.
Because we don't have the SDK yet, all new weapons have to use existing assets for their models and effects. It was a lot of work getting them to look as good as they do with such a limited selection!
Volition is currently working on the SDK. No release date has been provided, but the first part of it will be the ability to replace existing weapons with new ones.
Volition is currently working on the SDK. No release date has been provided, but the first part of it will be the ability to replace existing weapons with new ones.
We aren't going to replace existing weapons, so it will have to wait.