Shitface & Fan of Saints' Expanded Arsenal Mod

Loving the SR mod community. Hats off to all the modders!

I've got one question though. I read the first few pages, but didn't find what I wanted.

Is it possible to download only the weapon I need? I downloaded the entire mod, but ended up uninstalling it because it messed up my keybinds. After testing all the weapons, there's really only one that I keep using - the suit blaster. So if it's possible to have only that, how do I go about it?

Thanks in advance.
Loving the SR mod community. Hats off to all the modders!

I've got one question though. I read the first few pages, but didn't find what I wanted.

Is it possible to download only the weapon I need? I downloaded the entire mod, but ended up uninstalling it because it messed up my keybinds. After testing all the weapons, there's really only one that I keep using - the suit blaster. So if it's possible to have only that, how do I go about it?

Thanks in advance.
What do you mean by 'messed up my keybinds'? Resetting keybinds is only needed to make the satchel charges and cruise control work properly - all other features don't require you to do this. I'm really wondering what's the issue though, 'messed up' doesn't say anything.
About releasing weapons separately, some people asked about it dozens of pages ago and we still don't see the point to separate them. Doing so takes some time because each of them needs changes in various files to work properly. If you don't want to see specific ones in the store, open 'store_weapons.xtbl', find their entries and set 'Unlocked' attribute to false (or simply remove their entries, it doesn't make a difference). All EAM entries have EAM at the beginning of the name (except SMG-StormM11 - Touchstone 40-Cal (semi-auto), SMG-StormM11-B - Touchstone 40-Cal (automatic), sp_turretball_w_char - marauder weapon, space_dive_blaster - laser beam, Special-IronSaint - suit blaster and satchel - satchel charges - those weapons exist in the vanilla game already, we just tweaked them so they work properly) so you should be able to find them easily. If you don't like any other tweaks or features included in this mod, tell me and I'll write how to restore original settings.
The stun gun slot change breaks "Back by Popular Demand"(Shaundi's rescue) as you have to use the stun gun to advance and the game assigns the heavy pistol for the duration.
I've finally fixed this issue (along with extremely difficult Zinyak fight in Grand Finale mission) via some small changes in mission scripts, check if it works properly for you. :)
EDIT: Removed the attachment. New version of Expanded Arsenal Mod will be uploaded tomorrow.
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What does a camera weapon do?
It 'stuns' (I mean, instantly ragdolls because the stun effect from SR:TT no longer works) enemies with a flash of light. It also uses the riot shield animations so you can run up to lying NPC and finish him up with special melee attacks. ;)
The new update is coming tomorrow (I hope, only Spanish translation isn't ready yet)...
2015-10-06_00001.jpg 2015-10-06_00002.jpg 2015-10-06_00003.jpg 2015-10-06_00004.jpg
Finally, V2.1 has been released! Enjoy! :D

  • 'Fixed' costume for the Glitch Gun has now the same VFX as 'broken' one. I find it quite cool and the previous one was barely noticeable. Right now the only differences between those two costumes are animations and icons.
  • Increased price for the Present Launcher. It only costed 35 000 cache until now... I just added one more zero. In addition, I also increased its explosion radius. ;)
  • Restored five explosion damage upgrades for the satchel charges. There were five upgrades for it originally but only one remained (I'm not sure why, I think it had something to do with the limit). They're pretty much the same as earlier, except that each one now increases radius a bit.
  • Added an ultimate upgrade for the Suit Blaster - the Warden Hadouken! It replaces all visual effects with Warden Hadouken ones and significantly increases explosion damage and radius. The original Suit Blaster has been tweaked as well so it's now a bit less powerful and can't deal any damage to Saints (the Warden Hadouken doesn't have this restriction) but charges faster and has slightly larger radius. Just remember to switch the costume once you buy this upgrade if you want to get it working properly.
  • Fixed issues with De Plane Boss and Grand Finale Part Four missions. In De Plane Boss the game would swap the Stun Gun (which is required to complete the mission) with the Heavy Pistol because they're in the same slot. In Grand Finale Part Four Zinyak was barely beatable because the Suit Blaster now deals much less damage. Both issues have been fixed in this version.
  • Completely removed Arioh's Russian translation from the mod. P610 is reworking it from scratch and his version will be added soon, I hope.
  • Updated the uninstaller. M08 and M23 scripts along with stream_grid have been added to the list and 'uninstall all mods' option now removes all currently existing kinds of mods.
Finally, V2.1 has been released! Enjoy! :D

  • Fixed issues with De Plane Boss and Grand Finale Part Four missions. In De Plane Boss the game would swap the Stun Gun (which is required to complete the mission) with the Heavy Pistol because they're in the same slot. In Grand Finale Part Four Zinyak was barely beatable because the Suit Blaster now deals much less damage. Both issues have been fixed in this version
Ahhh :eek: that explains why I wasn't getting a stun gun when I got to that part.
I'm having an issue right now, I keep crashing when I load up my save. Is it okay to install mid-game? I did a fresh install of SR IV and then got this, so it isn't a mod conflict.

Edit: I have the game and all DLC on Steam, if that matters.

Edit 2: Here's my folder currently. Is there something wrong with it? I seriously can't figure this out. Very confusing. If I remove it, I can play just fine. If I install it, I crash as soon as I begin to load my save.


  • folder.png
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