Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod

If you want to disable the heavy vehicle crush thing, just delete every .xtbl file that begins with "truck" in your SR3 folder, except for truck_2dr_fire01_veh- removing this one will mess up the fire truck's weapons. So far nobody has found a way to alter the vehicle crush physics, so I won't be able to make only the player's car immune to crushing right now.

I'd love to add those gangstas in space guns too, but it can't be done right now. Someone needs to figure out how to make the game load the DLC assets first.

Yea I fingered that out after a while but still thanks for that. and about the space guns, how long whuold you think it will take someone to " to make the game load the DLC assets first.". Cuz I really love them space guns ^^
and about the space guns, how long whuold you think it will take someone to " to make the game load the DLC assets first."

You mean the thing that we've all been trying for a year to make happen with no luck?

Yeah, don't hold your breath.

On Snipe's instructions for the Temporary Weapons mod, it says to use the mod near the endgame -- however, your instructions say to use this mod on a new save. Can I just average out your instructions and use the mod on my save in progress?

The game engine doesn't load DLC models, visual effects, and whatnot, except at certain times. Some vehicles are always loaded because you are intended to use them outside of the DLC missions (like the Genki girls cars), but other things aren't (like most of the superpower graphics). We're not aware of a way to make them load those assets in normal play. My first attempt would be to try to repack them into one of the preload vpp files, but i'm sure that has been tried.
Hey Shitface (or anyone else who knows this), where did you edit the amount of damage NPCs take from falling? Because I have the problem that most of the time when an SWAT or SNG Eagle shows up and a SWAT or SNG team jumps out of the hovering helicopter, they die when hitting the ground. It is funny to see once, but it has gotten a bit annoying now.
Hey Shitface, as we all know, the Driving AI for the National Guard tanks is COMPLETE SHIT and they cause so much FRIENDLY FIRE, I figure making the Hum-Vees not be a plastic toy car meeting a car crusher would be a nice thing to do, speshally this time of year.

I'm pretty sure the 'plastic toy car' Hum-Vees can be fixed. There must somewhere be a file in which you can edit wether the car can be crushed by a tank or not. The APCs and other big vehicles can't be crushed so it defenitly should be do-able. I also hate the fact that once you have entered a tank it needs to be damaged like 10 times more than when it is an NPC tank. I would like to see the amount of damage needed reduced for the player and increased for the AI.
I'm pretty sure the 'plastic toy car' Hum-Vees can be fixed. There must somewhere be a file in which you can edit wether the car can be crushed by a tank or not. The APCs and other big vehicles can't be crushed so it defenitly should be do-able. I also hate the fact that once you have entered a tank it needs to be damaged like 10 times more than when it is an NPC tank. I would like to see the amount of damage needed reduced for the player.
I'm pretty sure the 'plastic toy car' Hum-Vees can be fixed. There must somewhere be a file in which you can edit wether the car can be crushed by a tank or not. The APCs and other big vehicles can't be crushed so it defenitly should be do-able. I also hate the fact that once you have entered a tank it needs to be damaged like 10 times more than when it is an NPC tank. I would like to see the amount of damage needed reduced for the player and increased for the AI.

You can adjust how much a vehicle can be crushed or whether it can be crushed at all by editing the crush factor and crush height in the vehicle's *_veh.xtbl file. However, there's no way to make only player vehicles immune to crushing. Humvees will be much tougher to crush in the next update, and I'll look at that tank damage thing too.