something about SR5 which can happen

The Boss was a lot different in Saints Row: IV than Saints Row 2, true. But we also have to consider how different he/she was when Saints Row: The Third was released. While The Boss still didn't carry any regrets to who he/she was and what he/she did, they at least give some more decency and class when it came to enacting in the public's eye. I mean, dealing with Jessica was as much as he could do to get even with Mareo, but we do have to consider that it wasn't all Jessica's fault. Who in the right mind would go and make a prank in real life to replace tattoo ink with acid? Surely someone with a sick sense of humor. (Maybe Genki?) And you could see the attraction the waitress had for The Boss (either sex) but they just used her as the body bag she had become. Though I would also like to blame the soldiers of ULTOR for that particular death, as well as Dane Vogel. It seemed kinda extreme. It was said that The Boss did 'mellow out' after the five years between the Stilwater gangs in Saints Row 2 and Saints Row: The Third's Syndicate crew. Despite what happens during the encounters of the future, The Boss will always retain that cold personality, but with just a lower tolerance for that particular setting and look for less conventional ways to do things that involve violence. For what happens in Saints Row V/5, it could be that The Boss is good (most likely outcome) or that they'll be bad. I mean, that "How the Saints saved Christmas" is actually canon to the whole story as figured out by understanding the intended timeslot it is set in, if you consider the appearance of Johnny Gat and the mention of the defeat of Zinyak. (That was a pretty big spoiler to the game since it literally explains itself by telling the ending and giving away characters.)

That only sounds cooler by the second to me, but the only thing questionable is the humans part. So far, the only accountable humans so far are the ones that have had an impact on history of Earth, so that doesn't exclude The Boss and the Saints on the ship, but it also involves people that are part of history like Jane Austen and clearly.

That mention about the countless beings on the ship, it wasn't directed at humans specifically, but it was directed to how there were thousands of pods on the ship that were used for trapping the life forms, and as Kinzie says "I don't think they abduct humans exclusively." when The Boss is going beyond that one pod room looking for Johnny. And too be honest, wouldn't it sound stupid to not take the chance to restore planet Earth to the way it was instead of trying to find a new planet with no doubt, over 95% of the race wiped out? It kinda seems like fate going 95x faster for the humans.

The idea for that city however does seem pretty sweet. My thoughts on this are mixed, since it sounds awesome, yet partially absurd too. (No offense of course.) It seems logically the next big step, but would you personally (if you were really The Boss) risk invading a new planet for taking as your own in exchange of all the lives lost that you once protected and appreciated as your friends? To be honest, I would give the invasion thing a thought about first.

That customized city idea seems so cool, but there are a few things I would like to suggest with that, as well as some things to note:

The idea of choosing your gang's appearances and stuff is cool, but what about the idea to make more than jus 3rd Street as a gang? Perhaps Matt Miller as a few Decker soldiers that would be able to make their own little group. A few crews to combat against the enemy maybe? I mean for God's sakes, I wanna see more Decker Specialists in the game, not be teased by the burden of not appreciating them more.

A sizable flight pad would be awesome to pick as well, like customizing it for each size of the transports and such.

I would love to see all my cars and such viewable with the garage. There is a car limit to the garage however as seen before, and the ridiculously large amount of vehicles would make the game act funny no doubt.

Hmmm a loyalty meter? I love it! That concept would truly make for an excellent game that determines whether or not you are actually fit to lead the Saints into combat. Perhaps make it like where they offer you certain benefits that mean helping in battle or maybe like the ship romances? (Maybe like the persuade tactic in KOTOR for example and use the loyalty meter to make it function with a positive end result?

The endings would be based a bit differently I think. We'd have to see whether or not something like this is used in future reference. But I think Earth is the better choice since it is where you did start. If it wasn't for Earth before it was destroyed, The Boss wouldn't have been given a chance to lead. It doesn't really matter what I see in the future Saints Row games, but they had better KEEP THE ORIGINAL CHARACTERS included. I would start to protest my hate for losing them after all we've been through these years. We can't just get rid of a good crew after what stories have been told. If they're looking for a possible reboot for Saints Row, they could always base their next game in my story, since it takes place during the late events of Saints Row: The Third. I would make it a character switch system like GTA: V though. Make it switch between The Boss, Matt Miller and a few more characters.

I pray to Volition that they do make another Saints Row though. I'll always follow their franchise if they keep making more... despite the possible reboot step they might make.
(Viper Laser rifles and that shotgun thing).

S3X Hammer? and viper rifles/

Well yeah but they needed all these prototype stuff to stop us,

Also after the mission '' Three Way'' I found out that you became president after removing STAG bombs before they blew up the statue and killed Mayor Reynolds
No, character switch would be bad, plus to much stealing from GTA, and that is exactly what they don't want.

Another (more likely) thing could be that SR5 just continues after SR4 on earth, perhaps opening movie is where you start in Whitehouse and this time am prepared for Zinyak and his army and fight him off, then its back to business as usual. Or perhaps you start many years later and you play as a new character in whatever story Volition cooks up. The old boss is still the president who is revered after fighting off the aliens. The boss of course knew they were coming so was prepared. You play in a new city, more futuristic, and that is how the new Saints Row will play. New characters, perhaps some cameo's from the old characters, and you get in a whole new situation. More gang wars? Or perhaps you are part of a spec. ops (STAG) team fighting terrorists with the boss (Who you can transer from your old safedata) as your commander giving you missions. It's really difficult and I can see the trouble Volition would have with the question "How to proceed".

I mean, we've seen it all in SR. Zombies, Aliens, Vampires (even though that was just a show), gang wars, counter terrorrist, 8 bit side scroller, stealth (Poor lights)... What could they do? The only thing to keep it interesting is with more stuff to do and a good story you want to play. I mean, what are good stories to take over a city except what we mentioned so far? And if not taking over a city, then what? What reason would you have then to do a mission in every hood of the game? No matter what they think of, it will already exist. They just need a story they can use, where they can use spoofs in, turning into Scary Movie the Game almost (which is fine by me, cos I love spoofs/parodies) and other stuff to fill a 30 to 40 hour gamethrough.

Thinking about it, I would like a reboot like how I imagined it the most. Just back to basic, clean slate and good stories. They can't please everyone with this game anymore. They give a little bit of everything which makes games a little bit content. If they want to go space, that should be a spin off. But keep Saints Row in Stillwater and slow paced. And make a spin off and use that for future stuff. I mean, Red Faction: Guerrilla also had Ultor. Do something with that. A Red Faction/Saints Row cross over as spin off. Then they can use the Red Faction title to do stuff like you did in Saints Row 4, only with the abillity to destroy the whole city while at it. xD And Saints Row will just be present day on earth with the slower paced, deep story gameplay.
Well I mean, perhaps the character switch could work by what part you're up to. Like a war game for example, only in free roam. When your character is doing something important to the main story, it automatically replaces what character you are playing as. Like call up Matt Miller, he meets you the characters switch and the secondary character turns NPC and moves away unless you recruit them. (Even if The Boss doesn't follow anyone, but meh.) And each character carries perks, like play as a main Saint and you have the Saints as allies. Play as a main Decker and have the Deckers as allies. But Volition's choice. Or course The Boss is needed to make the customization fair.

Getting ready for Zinyak would be pretty cool. Seeing how the attack could be revised with more seriousness and less "I gotta go." to add to the fire. The surprise Zinyak might get from seeing the humans actually ready for the Zin invasion. You gotta wonder however, would Zinyak figure out how the Earth knew of the impending attack on Earth and would he use time travel to stop these unexpected events from transpiring? That is something to consider if making a game with that situation, unless The Boss has something very special covered.

I strongly suggest not changing the character. The Boss is someone who we have to appreciate as a character and making a replacement would feel empty. They would simply be starting to follow GTA's trail by making a new character. Though customization and past would remain different, it just would still make annoying choices that make being The Boss seem unacceptable. I'd feel as if my hard work, killing gangs, buying land, renovations, guns and building respect would seem like nothing. I would like to think that the characters to Saints Row are timeless, since the characters are total badasses, so making them play background roles is completely inconvenient to who they truly are. Problem is still that deflating the Saints Row games into the basics like the good ol' days is how average it would feel. It's like losing your epic touch and being a regular person. Though that's probably only me, because my actual fear in life is for someone to take my power and use it against me. I agree about Volition thinking about the next step. They've probably read some forums (unlikely) and thought about what everyone is saying. We all have separate likes and dislikes to the series. So, instead of making any possible hate messages by mistake, I'm going to let them do all the thinking, since they've always got their shit sorted when they get an idea, mostly.

More activities, more options, more good and bad choice objectives, more customization, more easter eggs, etc. I never worry about what Volition does, but I'm always going to say this when I think of more Saint Row options: Decker Specialists! :p On a more serious note, they should really consider the Saints Row 2 objectives and filter them in with more hilarious ways, more badass quotes for each thing done. How about a storyline where instead of using each mission to gain a hood or buying the business around that general area, they make missions that influence the percentage of enemy and ally gangs. So when you do something directly against that gang, yours starts to appear on the street generally while the enemy gang begins lose their influence on the corners. Each passing mission will mean more enemies are dead too, so that could be a way to explain the less than average numbers of gangs. Though basing things from movies is what Saints Row is good at, and something like Scary Movie wouldn't be too shabby. They really need to extend the time for the gameplay though. Background quests are just too boring at times for us to even think about attempting those at times.

I could accept the spin off as an existing game and possibly a even great one, but we have to accept the facts as well. It wouldn't work out that well, but I could be wrong.

Stilwater has been done and shouldn't be returned to again. We've seen enough of that city in Saints Row and Saints Row 2. The stories we've been experienced with makes it clear that doing that city again would be too much of a big waste of time. The reason why I say this because Volition would have to completely redesign the city to make it new again, so using the old models would be nothing but copy and paste work. Of course Volition would probably give it a try to make the city completely new from scratch, but I doubt that would make any expectations to reach. I mean, would anyone play many sequels to a game if everything basically looked to similar to their predecessors design? I would get bored about it pretty quickly, but the missions and stories would be more interesting, as well as the choices to pick from. And what would make the game worse would be how each sequel would start. Everytime The Boss gets targeted through the game, it's always a repercussion that eliminates most of the Saints influence in what city they're in. But to make it seem believable, adding new cities to the list would seem to be the logical move. I'm not saying a reboot would constantly redo Stilwater, but I think making that the next city again seems less creative, when you could start in a different place with a district carrying the name "Saints Row". I don't think Steelport would work out either. The reboot however would beat any Crackdown game for sure.

I'm writing more than I should be. Strange... and the more I wrote, the more open I feel to everything about these opinions you and I have shared. It's a good feeling...
Zinyak was probably behind all the Sr3 stuff but not shown. Like probably making him a zombie or something. Cause remember in one mission in SR4 he says that in the 1st mission of SR3 that when we were skydiving Zinyak came while johnny was punching a morning star in the face.

This video tells the truth about Zinyak before invading Washington D.C. Watch from 0:57

Shaundi though that Johnny got shot because he was trying to say ''Stilwater'' but Phlipe shot.

Theres one thing I don't understand. They did a bank heist on the syndicate tower, then they get arrested by S.W.A.T and they get taken by Morning Star. I mean like why would cops give criminals away?
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There is no explanation to Johnny becoming a Zombie, because he was never a zombie. Like Zombie Lin and Zombie Carlos, Zombie Gat is not a part of the story. Lin, and Carlos do get mentioned sometimes about being Zombies, but that's merely for humor purposes. You may have seen him as a Zombie for Saints Row: The Third, but that wouldn't have made sense to the overall story. A nice gag and everything, but it's nothing more than that. You may see him on Shaundi's nightmare, but that Zombie was basically filtered in, otherwise if it was cannon, then the Saints would've put him into the ground. Also that Morningstar guy who got beaten, that was Loren.

That's not really much of a spoiler these days, since just about everyone here would would already known about it. The game has been out for almost a year, so you've have to guess all Saints Row fans could know of this discovery.

Of course that reason for Zinyak to get Johnny is acceptable in some ways, it didn't really make sense in some ways and left a few holes to fill, like why Loren claimed to have Johnny Gat's body. If he was smart enough, then he wouldn't have even called The Boss boosting about his latest 'victory' which would only make the Saints aim for him more directly. But they did say Loren's one weakness was overconfidence. A little strange the way it was done, but what's past is passed I guess.

Also, there is a rule for double posting. When you have to make a new opinion to comment about, make sure to hit the "Edit" button. Volition Staff has some rule about that.