If you're having issues with Xonar drivers, reinstall the UNi Xonar 1.71 drivers but use the C-Media Audio Panel instead of the ASUS one.GX mode is already desactivated. I had several problems with other games due to the GX mode, so I've turned it to off.
This is not the first time that I have a problem with my sound card (Xonar D1), thanks Asus for that ...
EDIT : In case this could help, I use the drivers UNi Xonar 1.71 instead of the official one, because it fixed a lot of bugs that Asus didn't fix with the official driver. http://maxedtech.com/asus-xonar-unified-drivers/
For my card (Xonar DX) I use the following settings:
Even if GX is disabled, it still tries to inject it's DLLs into processes on initialisation, so it's safer to basically never install it at all.